Best Money Tips: Small Habits That Steal Your Happiness


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on small habits that steal your happiness, tips for saving money on groceries, and ways to get cheap or free vet care for your pet.

Top 5 Articles

7 Small Habits That Will Steal Your Happiness — Don't put your dreams on hold, waiting for the right time to take action. Even if you can't dive in right away, you can take small steps toward your goal. [The Positivity Blog]

20 Tips That Will Help You Save Money On Groceries — Go for versatile ingredients that can be used in a variety of dishes to ensure that you actually use it before it goes bad. [Wall Street Survivor]

9 Ways to Get Cheap or Free Vet Care for Your Pet — Check out veterinary websites and social media accounts for deals offered by vets in your area. [Money Talks News]

What to Do When Mice Have Invaded Your Home — If you spot even one mouse, odds are there's a nest somewhere in your house. Follow these steps to get rid of the unwelcome rodents and keep them out. [Lifehacker]

22 Things You Need to Start Doing For Yourself in Your 30s — Make time for massages — your body will thank you! [PopSugar Smart Living]

Other Essential Reading

How to balance between investment and savings accounts — Investing your money can make it grow faster, but the money in savings is more accessible when an emergency hits. Learn how to balance both and optimize your money. [The Monitor]

25 Small Ways to Pay It Forward – Kindness Matters! — Buy extra toiletries when you spot a good deal and give them away to people in need. [More With Less Today]

6 Things to Know When Changing Your Own Oil for the First Time — If you've never changed the oil in you car before, follow these tips to make sure you're doing it correctly. [The Allstate Blog]

How to Deal With Stress and Remain Calm in Any Situation — Talk through your problems with someone you trust. It's harder to find solutions when you keep your feelings pent up. [Life Optimizer]

How Much Homework Is Too Much? — The workload your child brings home may be too much if it starts affecting their sleep or mood, [Parenting Squad]

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Abdul Kalam

I take small steps towards achieving my goal instead of pending it for later. Small steps do make a difference and motivate us.

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