Best Money Tips: Spend Less on Eating In


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on spending less on eating in, cheap ways to beat stress, and things wealthy people do differently.

Top 5 Articles

11 Tips To Spend Less On Eating In — Spend less when eating in by using leftovers for lunch and freezing your food. [SavvySugar]

18 cheap ways to beat stress — To beat stress without breaking the bank, take pictures or host a games night. [MSN Money]

5 Things Wealthy People Do Differently — Wealthy people tend to avoid debt and favor low risk/high yield investments. [Christian PF]

Dirt Cheap Fun That Keeps Your Kids Healthy — Did you know that letting your kids play in the dirt improves their immune system? [Money Talks News]

Why is that Outdated Item Still on Your Credit Report? — Most negative information on your credit report must be removed after 7 or 10 years. [Credit Sesame]

Other Essential Reading

15 Clever Uses for Aloe Vera — Aloe Vera can be used as an asthma reliever. [Bargaineering]

More TV Shows That Teach Personal Finance — Secret Millionaire highlights people who are less fortunate and how generosity can make a difference in the lives of others. [Free Money Finance]

8 Ways New Car and Highway Technology Will Change Your Life — New car technology will result in fewer accidents. [Kiplinger]

5 Sports You Probably Can't Afford to Let Your Kids Play — Horseback riding and gymnastics are two of the most expensive sports for children to participate in. []

23 Fun Summer Bucket List Activities for Families — This summer, cross going fishing and catching lightning bugs off your bucket list. [Parenting Squad]

News & Events

The Plutus Awards Voting — Be sure to vote in the 3rd annual Plutus Awards! Voting closes on August 14th.

Be sure to check out our News & Events Calendar to see all the awesome upcoming events in the personal finance world!

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