Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on spending less this holiday season, how to save money fast, and tips for overseas travel.
5 Ways to Spend Less This Holiday Season — To spend less money this holiday season, consider going in on joint gifts with other people. [SavvySugar]
How To Save Money Fast — Save money quickly by canceling your TV and internet service. [Debt Free Adventure]
5 Tips For Overseas Travel — When traveling overseas, remember to call your bank and inform them of your plans. [PF Firewall]
What to Consider Before Starting a Layaway Plans — While layaway gives shoppers more buying options, it also saddles shoppers with strict payment terms. [U.S. News]
10 Easy to Plan, Cheap, and Fun At Home Date Ideas — Have a fun stay at home date by setting up a scavenger hunt. [Money Help For Christians]
Baby Budget Buster: Small Steps for Family Finances — Give your family some financial breathing room by limiting your spending to necessities only. [Parenting Squad]
5 Tips for Your First Job Interview — When sending a thank you note after an email, be sure to make it personal and not generic. [Bargaineering]
8 Best Holiday Shopping Apps: Saving Money with Your Phone — Use your phone to save money this holiday season. Try downloading Google Shopper or FastMall. [NerdWallet]
10 Inexpensive and Fun White Elephant Gifts — Give a gag gift of an autographed photo of yourself at your next white elephant gift exchange. [Mango Blog]
11 Ways To Keep Your Brain Active — Keep your brain active by learning five phrases in a new language. [Timeless Information]
Wise Bread Tweetchat (#WBChat) — Don't miss our weekly #WBChat at 12pm PST! We will be talking about dining out on the cheap and we will be giving away prizes!
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