Best Money Tips: Stay Organized When Grocery Shopping


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles to help you organize your grocery shopping, write a better business letter, and overcome negative emotions.

Top 5 Articles

6 Ways to Stay Organized When Grocery Shopping — Pick a good time to go grocery shopping so you can hit the sales and miss the crowds. [SavvySugar]

How to Write a Business Letter that Gets Results — Be clear about what it is you want the business to do for you. Try to articulate your request in one sentence. [Wealth Pilgrim]

9 Ways to Overcome Negative Emotions — Words have power, and you can use encouraging words to make yourself feel better. [Think Simple Now]

Working Toward Wellness? How to Stay on Track — You don't have to do it alone! Schedule walks and healthy lunches with a friend. [Parenting Squad]

4 Frugal But Unconventional Dining Spots Most People Overlook — Check out the concession stand at Costco, or simply pick up bite-sized food samples as you shop. [Len Penzo dot com]

Other Essential Reading

Expensive Hobbies and Habits and Their Cost-Saving Alternatives – To get your caffeine fix while you're out and about, make your coffee at home and carry it in a to-go cup. [Enemy of Debt]

How To Spot And Prevent Medical Identity Theft — Make sure that any medical website you use is secure; the URL should begin with "https." [Money Q&A]

Cheap Spring Break Ideas — Schedule your vacation during the spring break "shoulder" season. [Cheapism]

5 Money Moves That Will Strengthen Your Marriage — Find a way to pool your resources while still keeping some financial independence. [MoneyNing]

5 Important Lessons about Credit that Most People Learn the Hard Way — As long as you make enough money and you pay on time, banks will keep approving you for more credit. Make sure you don't get in over your head. [Moolanomy]

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Guest's picture

Thanks for sharing these useful articles! I personally like the topic about organizing grocery shopping. :)

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