Best Money Tips: Steps to Being Happy


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on steps to being happy, avoiding December debt, and strategies to maximize credit card rewards.

Top 5 Articles

8 Steps to Being Happy Without Spending a Dime — Be happy without spending a dime by surrounding yourself with positivity. [SavvySugar]

Holiday Spending Plan: 6 Financial Principles for Avoiding December Debt — To avoid December debt, remember that money does not equal love. [Parenting Squad]

What's the Best Strategy to Maximize Credit Card Rewards? — The best strategy to maximize credit card rewards is a multicard strategy. [Free Money Finance]

How To Save Money When Buying A Car — To save money when buying a car, always be prepared to walk away. [MoneyHacker]

11 Cheap Christmas gift-ideas for coworkers — This holiday season, consider getting your coworkers decent coffee mugs with coffee. [Thirty Six Months]

Other Essential Reading

4 Free Tools To Increase Your Website Converions —To increase your website conversions, consider utilizing Clickdensity. [American Express OPEN Forum]

Most Requested Gift Cards of 2011 — The most requested gift card of 2011 were Walmart gift cards. [Gift Card Granny]

The dirty little secret of online travel sites -- Did you know booking through a travel site may result in you not getting the reservation you paid for (or any reservation at all)? [CNN Money]

Great and Inexpensive Holiday Gifts — This holiday season, consider getting inexpensive holiday gifts from warehouse shops. [The Sun's Financial Diary]

17 Unproductive Habits to Let Go — Let go of the habit of trying to be perfect. It isn't productive! [Life Optimizer]

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