Best Money Tips: Steps to Buying a House


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on steps to buying a house, reasons you need a spending plan, and Black Friday myths exposed.

Top 5 Articles

9 Big Steps to Buying a House — When buying a house, don't forget to get an inspection. [Thousandaire]

6 Reasons You Need a Spending Plan — It is important to have a spending plan because you need to understand where your money is going. [Free Money Finance]

14 'Black Friday' myths exposed — Just because you see a leaked Black Friday ad doesn't mean it's accurate. [Living on the Cheap]

3 Things To Save On / 3 Things To Splurge On — It is ok to splurge on under garmets, but just make sure to save on food. [Stack The Chips]

5 Simple Tips to Saving Money on Your Energy Bills — Save money on your energy bills by air drying your clothes. [Free Money Wisdom]

Other Essential Reading

5 Steps To Take After A Job Interview — After you interview for a job, critique your performance. [SavvySugar]

How To Escape An Upside Down Car Loan — Want to escape your upside down car loan? Consider selling your car. [The Digerati Life]

9 Signs You Are Financially Dysfunctional — You may be financially dysfunctional if you are only enjoying relative success. [The Wisdom Journal]

How to Get Started Investing When You're Hopelessly Clueless (Or Don't Care!) — Are you trying to get started investing but don't know what you are doing? Look into Target Date Funds! [Don't Quit Your Day Job]

The List: What to Take to the Hospital When Having a Baby — If you are going to be headed to the hospital and having a baby soon, remember to pack your toiletries. [Parenting Squad]

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