Best Money Tips: Steps to Financial Freedom


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on steps to financial freedom, commonly missed tax deductions, and how to handle a financial emergency.

Top 5 Articles

12 Steps to Financial Freedom in 2012 — Are you trying to gain your financial freedom in 2012? Start by setting financial goals. [Get Rich Slowly]

10 Most Commonly Missed Tax Deductions — Don't forget to deduct reinvested dividends from your taxes this year. [Debt Free Adventure]

How to Handle a Financial Emergency — When faced with a financial emergency, remember to prioritize your bills. [Moolanomy]

10 Low-Risk Ways to Earn More Interest on Your Savings — Want to earn more interst on your savings? Consider putting your savings in savings bonds. [Kiplinger]

40 Lessons for Finding Strength in Hard Times — To find strength in hard times, remember that laughter is the best medicine for stress. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

Other Essential Reading

7 Steps To Your Best Year Yet — Have your best year yet by making a theme for your year. [A Daring Adventure]

How to Budget WIthout Making it a Chore — To budget without making it a chore, figure out what is most important to you. [MoneyCrush]

10 Tips for Better Child Behavior in the New Year — To get your kids to behave better this year, implement consequences for bad manners. [Parenting Squad]

Job Search Tips That Will Get You a Job in 2012 — Want to make sure you get a job this year? Remember to fill in gaps in your resume. [SavvySugar]

How to Be Germ Free — To be germ free, make hand sanitizer your new best friend. [SheBudgets]

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Guest's picture

These posts are a great find. I especially enjoyed the moolanomy post on how to deal with a financial emergency. A great way to financially prepare yourself for a touch economic year.

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There's a limit to what you can do by trimming spending and optimizing savings & investing. To really propel yourself forward, you need to increase your income. The best way to do that is by creating a business, since you have control over how much you make, and you'll have more financial security since you won't be dependent on a single job to pay your bills.

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Both frugal living and striving for higher earnings are equally important behaviors.

Guest's picture

Great roundup! I especially like that you included the article about handling financial emergencies - so important in today's economic climate! Thank you!

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