Best Money Tips: Surviving Daylight Savings Time


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on recouping the daylight savings time stolen hour, negotiating your medical and dental bills, and saving money on groceries without using coupons.

Top 5 Articles

Daylight Savings Time: How to Recoup That Stolen Hour — Don't let the switch to daylight savings time leave you tired. Recoup that stolen hour by avoiding alcohol the weekend of the time change. [The Huffington Post]

7 Steps to Negotiating Your Medical and Dental Bills — When negotiating your medical and dental bills, keep your cool while being persistent. [Cash Money Life]

Save Money On Groceries Without Using Coupons — Save money on groceries by implementing a "raid the fridge" night to make sure leftovers don't go to waste. [Family Balance Sheet]

12 Common Tax Deductions Most Individuals Overlook — Don't forget to include any moving deductions you incurred for your first job in your deductions. [Moola Days]

How to Spring Clean Your Finances — Making going electronic/going green one of the items on your spring cleaning to do list. [U.S. News & World Report]

Other Essential Reading

Seven Rules for a Secure Retirement — Make sure you have a secure retirement by paying yourself first. [WalletPop]

3 Simple Steps to Save for a Rainy Day — Saving for a rainy day is easy. Just remember not to dip into your savings once you start stashing away money. [MORE than Finances]

10 Ways to Waste Money on Gas — If you want to waste money on gas, carry extra weight around in your car. [Money Smart Life]

How to Cut Down on the Time You Spend on Email — Spend less time emailing by checking your emails only once a day. [Positivity Blog]

Rock The Cradle With 10 Safe Baby Shower Gift Ideas — Are you attending a baby shower soon? Consider giving infant CPR and first aid classes as a gift to the soon-to-be mom. [Coupon Sherpa]

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Guest's picture

Hey Ashley, thanks for mentioning the post about wasting money on gas!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome Ben!

Guest's picture

Thanks for including my post! Great round up.

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You're welcome! :)