Best Money Tips: Teaching Young Ones Frugality


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on teaching young ones about frugality, ways to increase your income, and how to live on $40,000 or less.

Top 5 Articles

Little Steps for Teaching Young Ones Frugality — Teach your kids about frugality by having them save leftover food for future dinners. [The Simple Dollar]

4 Ways to Increase Your Income in 2011 — Want to make more money this year? Consider doing freelance work. [Generation X Finance]

How to live well on $40,000 or less — Live well on $40,000 or less by getting creative about meeting your needs. [MSN Money]

4 Crazy Ways to Stop Credit Card Debt Before it Starts — Prevent credit card debt by leaving your credit cards at home. [Mogo]

Four Spring Tune-up Tips for your IRA — Give your IRA a tune up by really evaluating your investments. [WalletPop]

Other Essential Reading

ProSquad: Birth Parents and Birth Plans — When creating a birth plan, be sure you write down what your goals are when you go into labor. [Parenting Squad]

Four Ways to Take Back Control of Your Time — Want to take back control of your time? The first step is recognizing that you are in control. [The Day-Timer Blog]

How to Lend Money to an Adult Child — If you are thinking about lending money to your adult child, make sure to charge interest equal to the applicable federal tax rate. [SmartMoney]

Four Personal Budgeting Tips for all — When coming up with a budgeting method, make sure to make it simple and easy. [Mortgages and Loans]

How To Make New Friends Anywhere — Make new friends wherever you go by always giving value to people. [Upgrade Reality]

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Guest's picture

Great message! Too bad that more schools don't teach our young ones how to responsibly handle money.

Ashley Jacobs's picture

I know! Schools really should teach kids how to manage their money.

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