Best Money Tips: The Best and Worst States to Retire


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on the best and worst states to retire, ways to keep your money safe while traveling, and cancer-causing foods you should avoid.

Top 5 Articles

These Are the 10 Best (and Worst) States to Retire — Most retirees choose where to retire based on good weather or where their children live. But children often move, and good weather alone doesn't lead to happiness or contentment. [Money Talks News]

Seven ways to keep your money secure while traveling — See if you can get a travel debit card linked to a temporary checking account with your bank. You'll be able to leave your regular debit cards at home, and the funds in your regular account will be safe if a thief gets ahold of your travel debit card. [The Monitor]

16 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Never Eat — Processed meats can increase your risk for cancer. Eating the equivalent of four slices of bacon raises the risk of getting colorectal cancer by 18%. [Life'd]

12 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Trip to a Museum — You might be able to navigate a museum just fine on your own, but guided tours, programs, and classes can really enhance the experience. [The Art of Manliness]

3 Uncommon Ways To Be More Positive — It's easy to get stuck in the past and focus on the bad experiences. Writing down your goals and dreams helps you shift your focus to the future and reminds you of what you're working towards. [Pick The Brain]

Other Essential Reading

How to Stop Being So Lazy: 10 Simple Habits — Allow yourself small breaks between blocks of focused work. You'll feel energetic and motivated longer and be able to do better quality work. [The Positivity Blog]

Hosting Cost-Effective Dinner Parties That Don’t Break the Bank — Grill something! When the weather is nice, everyone (including the chef) can hang out outside and enjoy really inexpensive grilled meat and sides. [SheBudgets]

4 Ways Meditation Increases Your Productivity and Wellness — Doing breathing exercises can help calm your mind and nervous system, allowing you to be in the present. [PopSugar Smart Living]

How To Quick Clean Your Bathroom In Just 10 Minutes — Don't wait until your bathroom has collected layers and layers of grime to do a deep scrub. Regular, 10-minute cleanings is all you need to keep this high-traffic space sparkling! [A Debt Free Stress Free Life]

2 Ways For Couples To Resolve Spending Conflicts — When you can't agree on how to spend funds, use something to break the tie randomly. The next time you're in the same position, the tie-breaker goes to the other partner. [Clever Dude]

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