Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on the best online coupon websites, self-improvement tips that will change your life, and how to be more empathetic.
15 Best Online Coupon Sites to Save You Money — There are coupons for virtually everything — and these sites will help you find them. [MoneyMiniBlog]
20 Self Improvement Tips That Will Change Your Life — Don't let your negative thoughts and emotions fester. Learn how to deal with them so that they don't ruin your day. [MoneySmartGuides]
How to Show Empathy to Your Friends, Loved Ones, and Family — Acknowledge the other person's feelings and recognize the importance of their emotions. Don't brush it off or change the topic. [Personal Excellence]
8 Ways You Waste Time Every Day and How to Fix It — Schedule a block of time (after you've finished your priorities, of course) to check email, scroll through your newsfeed, or to do quick chores. You'll be able to focus better if you know some time has been set aside for these time-wasters. [A Mess Free Life]
40 Ways to Get Free Baby Stuff for New & Expecting Moms (#15 Is a Must Know for All Parents!) — Many companies that make baby formula or diapers offer free samples and coupons when you register with them. [Money Pantry]
6 Ways to Save Money on Airline Baggage Fees — If you travel often or you travel with the same few airlines, signing up for the airline rewards program can allow you to check a bag or two for free. [PopSugar Smart Living]
The Best Tips On Planning For The Future When You’re A Newlywed — Establish a budget together to ensure that you're both on the same page. [Shopping Kim]
How to make money as an artist (with advice from the Savvy Painter) — To make money as an artist, whether it's in commercial or fine arts, you need to have the right systems and approach the process like you're building a business. [I Will Teach You To Be Rich]
25 Inexpensive DIY Projects You Can Make Using Balloons — From decorations to toys to stress-relief tools, there are lots you can make with the simple, affordable balloon. [Don't Pay Full]
The Best and Worst Jobs for Work-Life Balance — Teaching is one of the worst professions for work-life balance. Besides the hours in the classroom, they also spend evening and weekend hours grading and planning. [MintLife]
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