Best Money Tips: The Best July Fourth Sales


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on the best July fourth sales, household items to use as toys, and how to get a job in your dream city.

Top 5 Articles

Guide to the Best July Fourth Sales — This 4th of July, head on over to Macy's and Sears for great deals! [US News & World Report]

9 Household Items To Use As Toys — Save money on toys by using cardboard and cups as toys. [Parenting Squad]

Going the Distance: 10 Tips to Getting a Job in Your Dream City — Get a job in your dream city by enlisting the help of a local recruiter. [SavvySugar]

Best Places to Sell Your Stuff Online — If you have stuff you are trying to sell online, try using an online auction site. [I've Paid For This Twice Already]

Tips For How To Have A Successful Garage Sale — Make your next garage sale a success by having cash on hand to make change. [Bible Money Matters]

Other Essential Reading

7 Perfect Pieces to Keep You Protected from the Sun — Stay safe in the sun by wearing tunics. [Currency]

4 Simple Steps for Making Your Goals Happen Today — Make your goals happen today by getting on a schedule. [The Day-Timer Blog]

5 Key Steps to a Healthy Mind — Have a healthy mind by taking the time to enjoy things. [PickTheBrain]

3 Ways to Protect Your Child Against Identity Theft — Protect your child from identity theft by learning how to obtain your child's credit report. [WalletPop]

Gain Financial Freedom With These Concrete Strategies — Gain your financial freedom by visualizing your goals. [The Digerati Life]

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