Best Money Tips: The Career Edition


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on everything related to your career!

Top 5 Articles

50 Ways to Make Money: Maximizing, Creating, and Increasing Your Income — Asking for more benefits or perks at your current position can help you maximize your income. [Bible Money Matters]

How to Start Off Your Cover Letter Right — To get your cover letter started off right, begin with a compliment. [PopSugar Smart Living]

What Should I Do If I've Been Passed Over for a Promotion? — Were you passed over for a promotion? Remember that all promotions are not necessarily a good thing. [Lifehacker]

Don't Forget Your 401(k) When You Leave Your Job! Here's What You Can Do With It — When you leave your job, consider rolling your 401(k) money into an IRA. [Free From Broke]

Control the Job Interview by Asking All the Questions — If you are able to ask the majority of the questions in a job interview, you have the upper hand. [Free Money Wisdom]

Other Essential Reading

Tips to Stay a Valuable Employee — Being an innovator can help you keep your status as a valuable employee. [Sweating the Big Stuff]

How to Approach the Job Hunt Differently — Volunteering while you look for work may open some new doors for you. [CNI]

5 Keys to Full-Time Employment for Young People — When starting full-time employment, young people should expect to work like they've never worked before. [Consumerism Commentary]

Is It Time to Find a New Job? 4 Signs It's Time to Quit — It may be time to find a new job if you wish you had more challenging assignments. [MoneyNing]

From the Playroom to the Boardroom: 5 Steps For Returning To Work — If you plan on returning to work after time off as a parent, make sure you stay informed of trends in your profession. [Parenting Squad]

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