Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today, we found many great articles relating to retirement!
5 Basic Steps for Retirement Planning — When you plan for retirement, don't forget to periodically rebalance your portfolio. [Girls Just Wanna Have Funds]
You'll Need 11 Times Your Salary for Retirement — Delaying your retirement from age 65 to 67 can reduce the amount of money you need to retire to 9.4 times your salary. [Free Money Finance]
Everything You Need To Know About Retirement — In 2012, anyone can change an IRA over to a Roth IRA. [SavvySugar]
4 Advantages and 4 Disadvantages of Early Retirement — While retiring early can be good for your health and increase your life expectancy, it also means a reduction in your future savings. [Steadfast Finances]
Retirement Account vs. College Fund: Should We Really Put Ourselves Before Our Kids? — There are many ways to cover your child's college education expenses, so go ahead and fund your retirement account first! [Parenting Squad]
Important Changes Coming Soon To Your 401(k) Statement — The new 401(k) statement law requires employeers to make employees aware of fees that are being applied to their accounts. [Christian Personal Finance]
3 Things to Consider When Investing During Retirement — When investing during retirement, reconsider the 60/40 stock/bond allocation. [Smart On Money]
The Retirement Outlook for 20-Somethings — 20-somethings need to redefine their image of retirement. Things aren't the same as they were for their parents or grandparents! [Get Rich Slowly]
Can You Rollover Your 401k to a Roth IRA? — In order to roll over your 401k to a Roth IRA, you have to be separated from your employer. [Good Financial Cents]
Lifestyle Choices in Retirement — Some retirees choose to be busy homebodies while others choose to volunteer. Which lifestyle will you live in retirement? [Retire Happy Blog]
Wise Bread's Tweetchat (#WBChat) — Don't miss our weekly #WBChat at 12pm PST! We will be giving away prizes!
The Plutus Awards Voting — Be sure to vote in the 3rd annual Plutus Awards! Voting closes on August 14th.
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