Best Money Tips: The Travel Edition


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we are bringing you some of the best articles about travel!

Top 5 Articles

Ten Money-Saving Travel Tips — To save money when traveling, carry a guidebook with you. [Free Money Finance]

Tips to Planning a Road Trip on a Budget — When planning a road trip on a budget, save money by not getting lost. [MintLife Blog]

How to Avoid Sneaky Airline Fees — Want to avoid airline fees? Be aware of credit card convenience fees. [Get Rich Slowly]

Using Group Travel to Save Money — Traveling in a group can help you save on accomodations. Instead of staying at a hotel, rent a house or cabin and save money! [The Simple Dollar]

How to Travel Cheap Using Rewards Credit Cards — When using your rewards credit cards to travel cheap, try to book trips during the off season so your points go farther. [PT Money]

Other Essential Reading

5 Jobs To Satisfy Your Wanderlust — If you are looking for a job that requires travel, consider being a consultant. [SavvySugar]

Best Affordable Family Vacations — One of the best family vacations to take your family on is to the Bahamas. [US News & World Report]

3 Types of Travel Insurance and Do You Need Them? — Chances are you don't need personal effects coverage when traveling. Your homeowner's insurance policy probably has you covered. [Moolanomy]

14 Staycation Ideas & Ways To Save Money With Local Travel — Save some money by keeping your travel plans local and hitting up events at a nearby arena or stadium. [The Digerati Life]

5 Reasons to Send Your Kid Packing — Making your child travel introduces diversity to their life. [Parenting Squad]

News & Events

2nd Annual Financial Bloggers Conference — Today is day 2 of the Financial Bloggers Conference! Don't miss all the awesome presentations and networking events today and for the remainder of the weekend!

Be sure to check out our News & Events Calendar to see all the awesome upcoming events in the personal finance world!

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Guest's picture

There is one thing missing from all the articles: pick a trip around a business purpose. That way you get to deduct the expenses from your income taxes. Nice universal savings for everyone.

You are keeping your receipts for the Fincon trip... right?

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