Best Money Tips: Tips to Help Pay for Car Repairs


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on tips to help pay for car repairs, preparing for your next financial crisis, and banking mistakes you don't want to make.

Top 5 Articles

Most Americans Can't Pay for Car Repairs, 4 Tips to Help — To make car repairs more affordable, consider having comprehensive insurance. [Consumerism Commentary]

Prepare for Your Next Financial Crisis — Be prepared for your next financial crisis by looking for extra income streams. [Gen X Finance]

4 costly banking mistakes you don't want to make — Don't make the banking mistake of not checking your statements. [Money Blue Book]

3 Quick Back to School Savings Tips — Save money on back to school shopping by making a game plan. [Mogo Savings Blog]

5 Tips for Making Your Side Hustle Work — To make your side hustle work, be sure to take a break sometimes. [Personal Dividends]

Other Essential Reading

Labor Day Cooking: 4 Ways To Turn Your Party Food Into Simple Meals — If you are cooking this labor day, stock up on simple meals while you are at it by making mini sandwiches. [Parenting Squad]

20 ways to get people to believe in your ideas and create a movement — Get people to believe in your ideas by preparing for failure. [Passive Panda]

Start Thinking Like A Wealthy Person — Think like a wealthy person and realize that frugality has it's limits. [Canadian Finance Blog]

7 tips for Smooth Travel Transitions — If you have started traveling more than normal recently, make things easier on your family by sending photos. [The Centsible Life]

How To Build a Winning Retirement Portfolio — To build a winning retirement portfolio, make sure your portfolio has sufficient liquidity. [FiGuide]

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Guest's picture

Thanks for the link love Ashley, you rock!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome Tom!

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