Best Money Tips: Unconventional Ways to Live Longer


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on unconventional ways to live longer, financial questions soon-to-be parents should ask, and packing hacks every traveler should know.

Top 5 Articles

5 Unconventional Ways to Extend Your Life — Spending time in green space can improve creativity and reduce anxiety. If you don't live somewhere with a lot of green, grow plants or trees at home. [Mark's Daily Apple]

8 Financial Questions Soon-to-Be Parents Must Ask — What are your immediate needs? List the items, services, and appointments involved with having a new baby and begin to budget for them. [Parenting Squad]

34 Packing Hacks Every Traveler Should Know — When choosing items for your vacation wardrobe, rely on your current outfit go-tos — you know they work!  [PopSugar Smart Living]

10 Easy Tricks On How To Save More — Limit your ATM visits. Work on managing your budget so that you don't have to make extra trips to get cash. [Dumb Little Man]

7 Fun Ways to Exercise as a Family — A great way to stay active as a family is to go for after-dinner walks together. [Shopper Strategy]

Other Essential Reading

7 Ways to Throw a Graduation Party on a Budget — Consider having a joint party for multiple graduates. Everyone will save on decorations and entertainment, and since they'll likely have the same friends, you'll save on food, too. [Everything Finance]

The 3 Keys to Balancing Safety and Risk in Raising Your Kids — You won't always be there to protect your kids. Aim to prepare them to face and manage risks themselves. [The Art of Manliness]

20 Ways to Moisturize, Protect, Heal & Prevent Cracked Cuticles — Make your own cuticle salve from equal parts honey, aloe vera gel or juice, and olive oil. [Dealicious Blog]

10 Things Leaders Hate To Do (But Really Should Do Them Anyway) — It's easy to coast through meetings, but if you want to be a leader, you need to pay attention and engage at every meeting. [Terry St. Marie]

5 Ways to Break Your Routine to Get Better Results — If you have trouble getting work done, try changing when you do it.  [Time Management Ninja]

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