Best Money Tips: Use Human Nature to Help Your Finances


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on using human nature to help your finances, ways to save on apartment utilities, and how to find your passion.

Top 5 Articles

Use Human Nature to Help Your Finances, Not Hinder Them — Humans tend to want to follow through on their commitments. If you have a goal, just write it down along with the steps you intend to take, and you'll be more inclined to take action. [NerdWallet]

4 Ways to Save on Apartment Utilities — If you're OK with slower Internet speeds, sharing WiFi with your nearby neighbors can save you a bundle. [Saving Money Today]

Find Your Passion (It's Probably Right in Front of You) — Remember that your passion doesn't need to be an income opportunity or even something especially exciting. You just need to truly believe in it and enjoy doing it so much that it doesn't matter if you don't make money from it. [Money Crush]

A Simple Way to Save: The $5 Savings Jar — Got a $5 bill? Don't spend it! Take it home, put it in a jar, and watch your savings grow. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Five Blogging Mistakes That May Be Ruining Your Blogging Career — Make sure the spam plugin you use for your comments isn't too complicated. Readers who have to jump through hoops to engage in your blog will get frustrated and leave. [Grad Money Matters]

Other Essential Reading

5 Things Every College Student Should Know How to Do — Even if you don't have much to invest as a poor college student, you still need to learn the basics of investing so you can start as soon as you're able to. [Christian PF]

10 Most Expensive Colleges — The total annual cost of New York University, including room and board, is $62,930. [CNN Money]

The Ultimate Guide to Working as a Professional Santa Claus — You can make your start as a professional Santa by finding a local Santa with too much work and offering to take the extra gigs he doesn't want while giving a percentage of your earnings. [Penny Hoarder]

How to Attract Renters to a Home — Renters tend to prefer move-in ready homes, so make sure your property looks bright and modern. [Wealthy Turtle]

The Great American Smokeout and 10 Tips on Quitting — Smoking cigarettes harms your health and others', but if you try to quit cold turkey, you'll probably fail. Take it slowly, and seek out medical and moral support. [Parenting Squad]

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