Best Money Tips: Use Your Social Media Profiles to Find a Job


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on using social media to find a job, saving money on a rental car, and what to buy in thrift stores.

Top 5 Articles

45 Things to Do on Social Media to Find Jobs — Use your real name and find groups to connect with people. [The Muse]

How to Save Money on a Rental Car — To save money on a rental car, don't pay extra for a GPS add on. [Bargaineering]

What to buy (and skip) in thrift stores — Books can be a good thing to buy at a thrift store. [MSN Money]

Four Financial Milestones You Can Achieve with Credit Card Rewards — Use your credit card rewards towards a college education. [Credit Sesame]

5 Places to Turn Spring Cleaning Clutter Into Cash — Check out or to turn your spring cleaning clutter into cash. [Money Talks News]

Other Essential Reading

4 Quick and Easy Ways to Save on Your Taxes This Year — Save on your taxes this year by filing your own return. [Moolanomy]

The Real Best Places to Retire — A good place to consider retiring to is near your children. [Free Money Finance]

Planning to Ask for a Pay Raise? Prepare First — Before you ask for a pay raise, make sure you've contributed to the bottom line. [Kiplinger]

Cleaning Schedule For Apartment Dwellers — If you live in an apartment, vacuum once a week. [SavvySugar]

Starting a Family Garden: Tips for Beginners — When starting a family garden, learn from the experts. [Parenting Squad]

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