Best Money Tips: Ways to Lower Your Home Insurance


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on ways to lower your home insurance, saving on your wedding cocktail tab, and displaying proper tipping etiquette.

Top 5 Articles

6 ways to lower your home insurance — If you want to lower your home insurance, clean up your credit report. [Get Rich Slowly]

7 Ways to Save on Your Wedding Cocktail Tab — To save money on your wedding cocktail tab, stick to serving wine and beer only. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Do You Display Proper Tipping Etiquitte? — When traveling, be sure to tip your housekeeper $2 to $5 per day of your stay. [Good Financial Cents]

Save More Through Subscription-based Purchasing — Did you know you could save money on items like paper towels and vitamins by purchasing them on a subscription-basis? [Three Thrifty Guys]

Phone Etiquette — When speaking to a potential employer on the phone, be prepared in advance of the call and answer questions concisely. [Free Money Finance]

Other Essential Reading

Cheap Cooking: Fantastic Frugal Meal Ideas from Past and Present — Sloppy Joes and stir fry are just a couple of fantastic frugal meal ideas you can make! [Len Penzo dot Com]

How Can I Become More Comfortable When Speaking in Public? — To be more comfortable when speaking in public, anticipate questions and prepare your answers in advance. [LifeHacker]

Grocery Shopping with Kids — When grocery shopping with kids, it's important to have a list you can use. [Parenting Squad]

How much do funerals cost? — Did you know the average funeral can cost up to $10,000? [Five Cent Nickel]

The Best Time to Have Children — Your debt situation should play a key role in determining when you should have children. [The Simple Dollar]

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