Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Extra Money This Summer


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on ways to make extra money this summer, things to splurge on at warehouse clubs, and what to do when you’re feeling awful.

Top 5 Articles

7 Ways to Make Extra Money This Summer — People often travel during the summer, and they'll need someone to take care of their pets while they're gone. If you're good with animals, consider offering your services as a pet-sitter. [Money Talks News]

10 Things to Splurge on at Costco and Sam's Club — Vacation packages can be expensive! Get them at a discount — without skimping on travel benefits —- at Costco. [Cheapism]

12 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Awful — When you're feeling down, think of the task that has been bugging you the most and just do it. [The Simple Dollar]

Do discounts increase customer visits at restaurants? NPD says no.  — You'd think deals and discounts would attract more customer traffic, but that doesn't seem to be the case. [The Monitor]

How to Protect Your Possessions From Theft — Invest in a quality lock for your bicycle and use it religiously. [Frugal Village]

Other Essential Reading

8 Ways to Give Yourself an e-Break — There are many tasks and activities you can do that don't require a smartphone or tablet. Set aside a block of time where you don't use technology at all. [Living Well Spending Less]

6 Dumb Things Smart People Do With Money — Many of us skip over the fine print and sign on the dotted line with only a limited idea of what we're actually signing up for. [Money Strands]

How To Use Summer Vacation To Teach Kids About Money — Teach your kids to prioritize experiences over stuff. Go seashell hunting instead of hitting the beachside shops; revisit their favorite exhibits instead of browsing the gift shop. [The Centsible Life]

5 Daily Thoughts Designed to Boost Your Financial Success — It's okay to take risks! Just make sure they're reasonable risks. [Good Financial Cents]

DIY Container Herb Garden — Choose a large, roomy container that will give each plant 4-6 inches of its own space. [$5 Dinners]

$1,500 Giveaway! Don't forget to enter before June 30th for your chance to win $1,500 in prizes in our Rutgers Giveaway! If you are a young adult, take a quick survey on your financial decisions and you could win a $500 or one of five $200 Amazon gift cards. For more information and to enter, check out our giveaway article!

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