Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Money Quickly


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some stellar articles on making money quickly, teaching kids to grocery shop frugally, and frugal ways to end a bad day on a good note.

Top 5 Articles

12 Ways to Make Money Quickly — Selling your gift cards or working extra hours can help you make money quickly. [Bargain Babe]

How to Teach Kids to Grocery Shop Frugally — To teach kids to grocery shop frugally, explain the importance of shopping with menus and lists in mind. [MoneyNing]

12 Frugal Ways to End a Bad Day on a Good Note — Have a bad day? End it on a good note by doing something nice for someone. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Tips from a Recruiter on Using a Recruiter — When using a recruiter, find one that is specifically in your industry. [Cash Money Life]

How to Make Room in Your Schedule to Earn More Money — Turning off your TV and learning to say "no" can make more room in your schedule to earn more money. [Money Smart Life]

Other Essential Reading

4 Obamacare Essentials You NEED to Know — When it comes to Obamacare, make sure you know what type of coverage is available to you. [Free From Broke]

Top 10 Reasons People Over-Spend — People tend to overspend because they desire immediate gratification. []

Three Ways to Get More Out of Your Savings Account — Get more out of your savings account by automating your savings. [Yes, I Am Cheap]

How to get the best deal on a family cruise — Did you know MSC offers "kids sail free" promotions? [Living On The Cheap]

Homework Help: 18 Ideas & Resources for Getting It Done (and Making It Fun!) — To get homework done while making it fun, have snacks in your child's workspace. [Parenting Squad]

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Guest's picture

Pretty good list of tips! Most if them just boil down to selling your unused stuff.

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