Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money in College


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on ways to save money in college, free or inexpensive ways to have a good time, and interview tips that will help you get a job.

Top 5 Articles

51 Ways to Save Money in College — Save money in college by renting your textbooks. []

Six Free or Inexpensive Ways to Have a Good Time — Have a good time for free by going to a free movie screening. [Money Ning]

99 interview tips that will actually help you get a job — When preparing for an interview, be sure to do as many practice interviews as you can. [Passive Panda]

Saving Cash on Summer Vacations — To save money on your summer vacation, consider looking at airports that aren't the closest airport to your house. [Moneyhacker]

3 Easy Ways to Help Heal Bad Credit — Heal your bad credit by settling all your debt. [I've Paid For This Twice Already...]

Other Essential Reading

Baby Sleep Basics: All About Cribs — When you put your baby to sleep in their crib, be sure to place them on their back. [Parenting Squad]

Start Building Your Banking Relationship — Build a good relationship with your bank by being responsible. [Green Panda Treehouse]

5 New Uses For Old Pillowcases — Use your old pillowcases for washing beanie toys and canvas shoes. [Re-nest]

10 Things That Hold You Back from Outrageous Success — Don't let negative beliefs hold you back from success. [Dumb Little Man]

7 Steps To Get The Life You Want and Deserve — Get the life you want and deserve by being a doer, not a thinker. [Upgrade Reality]

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Guest's picture

Thank you for this! College students need this more than ever before.

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