Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money on Halloween


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save money on halloween, avoiding impulse buying online, and ways to take the work out of work.

Top 5 Articles

9 Ways To Save Money On Halloween — Save money on Halloween by purchasing candy in bulk and making your child's costume. [Parenting Squad]

Avoiding Impulse Buying Online — Avoid impulse buying online by not storing your credit card information in online sites. [The Simple Dollar]

6 Ways to Take the Work Out of Work — To take the work out of work, eat lunch away from your desk. [SavvySugar]

Overcoming Financial Mismanagement: 9 Steps To Financial Freedom — If you want to move towards financial freedom, you must be willing to step outside your comfort zone. [Christian PF]

Save on Groceries and Eat Well — Save on groceries and eat well by buying in bulk and planning ahead. [Debt Free Adventure]

Other Essential Reading

Cleanse And Organize Your Inbox In 10 Simple Steps — To organize your inbox, try using filters and unsubscribing for newsletters. [American Express OPEN Forum]

How to Be a Secret Shopper or Mystery Shopper — Avoid secret shopping scams by steering clear of companies that require you to pay to participate. [Consumerism Commentary]

Cutting Medication Costs — Want to save money on your medications? Ask your doctor to optimize your doses. [The Sun's Financial Diary]

The Worst Things to Purchase with Credit — One of the worst purchases to make with a credit card is an impulse purchase. [I've Paid For This Twice Already]

Tips on Coping with Debt — Overcome your debt stress and anxiety by being proactive. [Moneyhacker]

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