Best Money Tips: Ways You're Being Tricked to Spend More


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on the ways you're being tricked into spending more, how to decorate on a budget, and the ways your employer can help you save money.

Top 5 Articles

The Science of Shopping: 9 Sneaky Ways You're Being Tricked to Spending More — The priciest items will be at eye level. If you want to save some dough, look up and down for cheaper options. [Ready To Be Rich]

5 Quick Tips for Decorating on a Budget — Revamp the furniture you already have with new hardware, new lamp shades, or a wallpaper lining. [My Dollar Plan]

7 Ways to Save Money Through Your Employer — You may be able to get discounts on travel and entertainment through your employer. [Three Thrifty Guys]

5 Money Saving Apps for the Shopaholic — Shopkick shows you the latest deals at popular retail stores, and you can earn points to turn into gift cards… without even buying anything! [The Phroogal Blog]

Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today — If you're having a mediocre day, take one small step towards something positive. Set up a coffee date with a friend, try a new hobby, or research a trip you want to take. [The Positivity Blog]

Other Essential Reading

4 Rules for Answering the Weakness Question — When asked about your weaknesses, be honest — but not TOO honest. Avoid weaknesses that will hurt your chances of getting the job. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Healthy Breakfast Ideas Anyone Can Make — Breakfast burritos are easy to make ahead of time for a quick breakfast or an on-the-go snack. [Bargain Briana]

7 Things That Might Be Killing Your Relationship — The desire to control another person, especially a partner, is rooted in fear and insecurity. [Lifehack]

Chinese New Year Activities — It's never a bad thing to learn about other cultures and traditions. Chinese New Year is already under way, and there are plenty of ways to celebrate! [Parenting Squad]

4 Realistic Ways to Save Half Your Income — If you don't already have multiple income sources, create one (or two!) and send that money directly into savings. [Everybody Loves Your Money]

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Guest's picture

Excellent round up as always ... and I hate it when businesses try to manipulate customers instead of actually adding value!

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