Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on ways you're wasting money, how to control your emotions when shopping, and saving on Christmas shopping.
10 Ways You're Wasting Money — Do you find yourself throwing away food? If so, you are wasting money. [The Wisdom Journal]
How to Control Your Emotions When Shopping — To control your emotions when shopping, ask if what you want to buy will help you reach your financial goals. [Free From Broke]
10 Tips To Save On Your Christmas Shopping And Avoid Going Into Debt — Save money on your Christmas shopping by using a cash back debit card and researching to find the best deals. [Bible Money Matters]
Five Ways to Negotiate Lower Rent — Want to negotiate a lower rent? Sign a longer lease. [Personal Dividends]
How to Create a Personal Savings Plan — If you are creating a personal savings plan, start by setting your savings goals. [Moolanomy]
6 Ways To Sell Fast On eBay — Want to sell things faster on eBay? Include pictures in your listing. [BlogStash.com]
Fall: The Perfect Time To Organize Your Clothes — Now that it's fall, evaluate which of your summer clothes you actually wore this summer, then get rid of the items you didn't wear. [SavvySugar]
The 10 Best Superfoods to Boost Your Brain Power — Boost your brain power by eating dark chocolate and avocado. [Good Financial Cents]
6 Simple Ways to Maximize Your Estate Sale Profits — If you want to maximize your estate sale profits, display the items you are selling in an attractive manner. [JoeTaxpayer]
5 Lessons Kids Can Learn From Politics — Use this election season to help your kids learn to express themselves with respect. [Parenting Squad]
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