Best Money Tips: Winning Habits of Successful People


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some amazing articles on winning habits of successful people, saving money on transportation costs, and workplace perks for new parents.

Top 5 Articles

5 Winning Habits Of Successful People - Do You Have Them All? — Are you particular about how you spend your time? If so, you have one of the 5 habits of a successful person. [Life Optimizer]

Save Money on Transportation Costs — One of the best ways to save money on transportation expenses is to try to drive less. [Cash Money Life]

8 Workplace Perks for New Parents — Everyone has heard of maternity leave, but some companies also offer paternity leave. [US News and World Report]

Credit Repair: How To Correct A Mistake On Your Credit Report — Is there a mistake on your credit report? If so, be sure to protect your case by keeping track of correspondence with your creditors. [Credit Sesame]

How to Shop a Store-Closing Sale — When shopping a store-closing sale, be sure to bring a calculator with you. [Northern Cheapskate]

Other Essential Reading

The Best Places to Borrow Money — If you ever need to borrow money, consider going to a lending exchange. [Moolanomy]

Fighting Fair: How to Disagree About Money in Marriage — Next time you find yourself in a disagreement about money with your spouse, don't forget to keep in mind your big picture goals. [Free From Broke]

30 Ways to Make Today a Good Day — To make today a good day, avoid other people's drama. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

How to Quit Your Job with Your Contacts, Credentials, and Class Intact — Make sure to leave your job on a good note by resigning before you explode. [Lifehacker]

15 Easy, Kid-Friendly, And (Relatively) Healthy Dinner Ideas — For an easy meal that kids will love, try making breakfast for dinner! [Parenting Squad]

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Guest's picture

As always, an excellent compilation of practical advice.

Thank you. ;-)

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome! :)

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