Best Money Tips: Work Out Without Over Working Your Budget


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on working out without over working your budget, saving money every month, and where you can listen to music for free.

Top 5 Articles

How to Work Out Without Over Working Your Budget — Instead of purchasing a treadmill or gym membership, get outside and run. [Consumerism Commentary]

50 Easy Ways To Save Money Every Month — To save money every month, stop paying full price for things. [Bible Money Matters]

Five Places You Can Listen to Music for Free — Want to listen to music for free? Try Pandora or NoiseTrade. [Generation X Finance]

25 Ways to have fun — Have fun by spending a day at the beach. [Savings Scoop]

10 Things You Can Give Your Network — Network with people by taking someone out to lunch once a week. [Free Money Finance]

Other Essential Reading

How to Organize a Wallet — Only carry the cards you use in your wallet and be sure to empty out receipts at the end of each day. [Organize to Revitalize!]

Top 10 Mother's Day Gifts under $25 — This Mother's Day, consider getting your mom a Starbuck's gift card or a new iPad case. [Free Money Wisdom]

7 Ways to Save When Travelling in Europe — When travelling in Europe, save money on transportation and walk! [Girls Just Wanna Have Funds]

4 Meal Planning Apps That Will Help You Eat Locally — Use the Harvest meal planning app to help you eat locally. [Parenting Squad]

7 Smart Uses For Vaseline — Did you know that you can use vaseline to protect your skin from hair dye? [SavvySugar]

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Get Rich Slowly's #moolah Tweetchat — Don't miss Get Rich Slowly's #moolah tweetchat today at 4pm PST!

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