Best Money Tips: 101 Ways to Take a Bite out of Your Food Budget


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup! We share over 100 effective ways to spend less on your grocery bill, 7 tips for investing in the stock market (even if you have no money), and how to get out of that awful cell phone contract.. (We even share a few juicy tidbits from Gwyneth and Red Robin.)

Top 5 Articles of the Week

Find Your Passion: Love Your Work — Sometimes it’s not easy to know what your “passion” is. This useful post gives a place to start, and it even provides more than a handful of excellent tips to get you well on your way to living it! Girls Just Wanna Have Funds

101 Ways to Take a Bite out of Your Food Budget — Whoa! 101 Ways? If you don’t get past the first 20 without an “aha” moment, I’d be surprised. This well-done roundup is part common-sense, part inspiration (i.e. eat more organ meats). The Wisdom Journal

How to Get Out of Your Cell Phone Contract (without an EFT) — If there’s anything to learn from this article, it’s that escaping your phone contract won’t be easy. Luckily, there are a few points to help you come out with no future payments and your credit in tact. Five Cent Nickel

7 Ways to Invest in the Stock Market When You’ve Got No Money — Funding your investments can start way before you actually have any cash to invest. Read these tips to get the details on the entire process of pre-investing, as well as advice for when the money starts coming in. Monevator

How to Avoid Ebay Seller Scams — With so many scams going around, it’s hard to keep up on them all. Read this refresher before you bid on your next Ebay purchase. Stumble Forward

Other Essential Reading

Red Robin Cuts Crayons, Forces You to Talk to Kids — With all the cutting wit, you’d expect from The Consumerist, this sign of the recession may be oddly characteristic of things to come. Planet Money Blog via Consumerist

Gwyneth Paltrow Offers Budgeting Advice — Actress and Goop publisher, Gwyneth, is quoted as sharing the three things everyone needs to keep from going overboard on their next shopping trip. (But is it welcome advice?) Alpha Consumer

No Penny Stock Trading For Me — Just because it’s cheap, doesn’t make it a bargain. Read the reasoning behind leaving this chump change on the table. The Digerati Life

How to Prepare for the Demise of the Dollar — With less doom and gloom than other commentaries, this article gives action to concerned readers. (Plus the comments are pretty interesting, too!) Consumerism Commentary

Frugal Traveler: Value Meals Pack Flavor and Savings — Whether you’re more incline to sample street food or hit the local grocery store, there are more financially-sensible dining options for your next vacation. The News Tribune (Tacoma)

We’d like to thank Len Penzo dot Com for including us in The Best of the Best in Money and Personal Finance! We were in great company, and if you’re looking for some primo personal finance reads, head over ASAP!


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Guest's picture

Hi. I like your blog. well done!

Guest's picture

I found that many of don't use foods we already have and keep on buying something new. here is my experiment on using what I have

Silicon Valley Blogger's picture

Awesome!  Thanks for the shout out.  101 Ways to save money on food?  I better check that out.... :)  I know that my main savings strategy is to just cut out the junk and the soda.  I managed to win out on the fight against junk, but not the soda as of yet!

SVB @ The Digerati Life

Guest's picture

Very timely link to the article: "How to Prepare for the Demise of the Dollar". I like seeing lists of recommended articles like this. Well done.

Guest's picture

We wrote an article that shows how we cut back in the face of the recession. Think you will like. Go Here:

Guest's picture

i have read some of these posts and i thought they were very well written. its was good work

Guest's picture

I just wanted to say thanks for the link I'm always grateful when other bloggers give a helping hand. I will make sure the post gets a Stumble.



Guest's picture

Thanks for the link guys, glad you liked the article. :)

As for saving money on food, an old but great idea is to try to have a week where you have to use at least one item for every meal from your store cupboard.

It's a great way to rediscover and use up lots of sauces, dried seasonings, fancy pasta shapes and whatever else you used once and forgot about. :)

Guest's picture

It was a great article, Linsey! Thank you for taking the chance and submitting it to the carnival. As you know, it was one of only 10 selected - and there were 117 submitted for consideration! :-)

All the best,


Guest's picture

Added this great article to my Saturday Links post here:


Guest's picture

The food budget article is pretty good. It's a pretty long list. Some don't really apply to all because not everybody eats the same things. I for one, don't like smoothies ;).

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