Networking is the key to self-promotion, and self-promotion is the key to success. The Simple Dollar discusses the importance of building social ties that will help you advance.
I thought "couchsurfing" meant sitting on the couch and watching a lot of TV by rapidly flipping through the channels, but it's actually a good way to save money on accommodations when traveling - by crashing on other people's couches. Now, you can use the internet to find the couches, reports Get Rich Slowly.
Have you considered a chicken coop in your backyard? Whether you're doing it to save money, improve the environment, or just have tastier eggs, read this article before taking the plunge into chicken farming. (Parenting Squad)
Chubby AND broke? Learn the correlation between dieting and frugality from Frugal Dad.
Sell your Twitter account for profit? You kids and your crazy technologies. (Mighty Bargain Hunter)
American Consumer News asks if getting freebies is worth the time it takes to get the freebies. Time being money and all.
Dumb Little Man has 8 ways in which you can organize your life in roughly 5 minutes.
Saving Advice reminds you that your house is not only full of crap, but you probably paid for that crap, so it's like you're sitting in a big pile of money, but not as cool.
Next time you are heading to the grocery store, don't forget to add "healthcare" to your shopping list. Yes, healthcare services are now offered at grocery stores and general retailers like Wal-Mart.
Afraid of finding out just how little money you actually have? Money Under 30 will help you to overcome your fears.
Check out all the carnivals we've been included in this week!
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Wow, thanks for the great ideas!
"Sell your Twitter account, lose weight and save money, learn to network (really, it helps), clear up your life in 5 minutes, couchsurf around the world, and more."
After reading this post I lost 25 pounds, became financially independent, and bought six houses with no money down! =)