Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we find out if bees or sharks are more dangerous to you and your insurance policy, why good writing matters, and when it's OK to finance fun (if ever.)
Top 15 Questions You Should Ask When Looking for a New Insurance Policy — These questions are useful for anyone looking to "switch to save money," and they are a great primer in learning about insurance policies, in general. (I especially like the note about finding a company that will service you...not sell you.) Free Money Finance
Why Good Writing Matters — And How you Can Improve — I have this same conversation every day with my 11-year-old daughter. I work hard to convince her that "LOL" and "ROFL" are not adequate substitutes for knowing how to write. (Really write.) I *heart* this article. Dumb Little Man
Fall Maintenance Tips for Your Home that Can Save You Money and Protect Your Family — Aaack! Cleaning the gutters is never on the top of my "things I want to do" list, but somewhere deep inside, I know they need to be finished. Considering that my family's safety is worth taking a Saturday afternoon to get it done will bump it up on my list. (There are also 5 other weekend-sucking chores in this article. I may consider outsourcing.) Generation X Finance
Finding and Selecting a Tenant — I hope to never be a landlord, but if I happen upon that path, I'm glad to have read this piece. Who considers "rental philosophy" when creating a lease? Now, I will! Four Pillars
What's More Dangerous? Lightning or hail? Texting or drinking coffee while driving? Bees or sharks? This clever slideshow piece lets you pick the links you are most interested in (and tells you how your insurance may be affected, as well.) WalletPop
Ten Things I Will Teach My Kids About Money — Granted, he doesn't have kids yet, but Flexo has some really good points laid out for when the time comes. (And if it doesn't? I may steal this list for my own kids' education.) Consumerism Commentary
How to Not Suck at Everything — Yeah, yeah. I know that the first step is to not tell yourself that you suck. But that's a difficult task for some! Check out all the awesome ways to pump yourself up and get a better attitude. By Wealth Pilgrim via Frugal Dad (Like this? You should also read Adam's How to Not Suck at Blogging.)
When Is It OK to Finance Fun? — This sticky question is handled fairly well (although everyone will have their own opinion). Read the article and stay around for the thoughtful comments! Get Rich Slowly
Daycare vs. Stay-at-Home: A Mom's Perspective — Kelly of The Centsible Life (who has guest posted here before) provides an amazingly accurate and detailed account of the benefits of each side. If you're new to the discussion — check it out! Bargaineering
Thrifty Rides Can Extend Your Travel Budget — This piece is part of a new column by our own Myscha Theriault and Frugal Duchess. They share the nitty gritty details of getting around on vacation (without a hefty tab). Honolulu Advertiser
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Thanks a lot for the link!
Thanks for the link, Linsey. Enjoyed reading through all the articles in this edition! Particularly enjoyed the one at Dumb Little Man. I missed it the first time around, so thanks for highlighting it here.
Thanks for the link love and the compliments!
I appreciate this. I have a friend who I talk to alot, and he NEEEEEEEDSSSSS the advice from Four Pillar about selecting a good tenant.
I will be sending it to him immediately. :)
Putting together the weekly roundup is the best part of my week. Keep writing good stuff, guys, and I'll include it :)
Linsey Knerl