Paul Michael's blog

14 Effective Grease and Oil Stain Removal Tips

Oil stains don't have to stay forever. Whether they're in clothing, on driveways, or elsewhere, here are some effective ways to quickly and easily zap grease.

Dropping the Price of Gas to $2.50 a Gallon in a Week

Could a few well-chosen words by President Obama cause the price of oil, and therefore gasoline, drop sharply in just a few days? It's worth a thought.

John Cummuta: Transforming Your Debt Into His Wealth

The "Transforming Debt Into Wealth" guy claims he can make you debt-free in five-to-seven years. But is it really doable? We ran the numbers to find out.

8 Things to Consider Before Switching to an Online-Only Bank

Everything is going digital these days, and banks are no exception. But is online-only banking the right move for you?

Should You Repair a Dripping Faucet?

Sure, that dripping faucet might be annoying, but does it make financial sense to fix it? Find out with these simple calculations.

More Sales Insanity, This Time From Walmart

Price check in electronics! Why are some of Walmart's products so much cheaper online than in-store?

Homemade and Store Bought Mouse Trap Designs That Work

If you have an unwelcome visitor in your home, you probably already have everything you need to make humane, or deadly, mouse traps.

Hobby Lobby, Who Exactly Are You Trying To Fool?

Has someone been over-inflating prices in Hobby Lobby, just to make the sales prices more profitable for the store? What do you think?

New Legislation Gives Coupons “Equivalent Cash Value”

Got coupons? Get cash! A new law means coupons can now be traded in for their "equivalent cash value."

How Water Can Save You $977 a Year

According to recent data, American eat out roughly 3 times every week. And water could play a big part in making the whole thing less expensive, and healthier.

Should We Pay $2 Per Pound for Garbage Disposal?

In many European countries, citizens have to pay for their garbage disposal based on weight or volume. Could it work in the U.S.?

10 Outdated Job-Search Techniques to Avoid

Despite the changing times, people still rely on "tried and trusted" job search techniques...even when they're not in their best interest. Here are 10 to avoid.

Big Changes to eBay That Will Make You Really Happy

There's great news for eBay users! On April 19th, big changes are coming that mean lower prices and a better buying and selling experience for everyone.

10 Really Easy Ways to Unclog Drains

When you're faced with a clogged drain and the plunger won't work, these 10 techniques could save you the cost of a plumber.

10 DIY Dog Toys You Can Make for Pennies

Instead of spending oodles of cash on toys your pup is only going to rip apart, make these cheap, easy, and sturdy dog toys with items you already have.

The 9 Secrets of Highly Successful Craigslist Sellers

From couches to cell phones, you can hock it on Craigslist. Follow these tips and go from Craigslist amateur to selling machine.

Breaking the Bread Code: How to Get the Freshest Loaf

Discover the color code that will lead you to the freshest loaf on the store shelf every time.

Don’t Waste Your Money on Homeopathic “Remedies”

Homeopathy is seen by some as a legitimate way to treat illnesses. But is it just a complete waste of money?

Selling Your Life Insurance Policy for Cold, Hard Cash

Would you sell your life insurance policy for a lump sum, knowing that someone else now profits from your death?

How Will The Comcast/NBC Merger Really Affect You?

The deal has been approved, and there's a lot of speculation about what it will mean for you, the consumer. Discover the truth behind common questions.