Paul Michael's blog

Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk

There’s one fact that is undeniable in America; we just don’t walk enough. A dependence on automobiles, elevators and escalators, coupled with a growing lack of interest in exercis

Save a Bundle on Your Groceries: Consider Your Local Asian Market

Despite the coupons and the special offers, the major supermarket chains are not cheap. You find a deal now and then, but on the whole they really don’t give you great value for mo

How to Increase the Chance of Someone Returning Your Lost Wallet

It’s not a fun feeling. You’ve reached the checkout at the grocery store, you feel into your pocket, or purse, and realize that your wallet is missing. You heart stops, you walk ou

Ready To Buy Some Exercise Equipment? Read This First.

Don’t worry, this is not an exposé on bad equipment or faulty products; I’m no expert on exercise machines and products. But I do know a little about human nature and after many ch

Your SSN Can Now Be Accurately Guessed Using Date and Place of Birth

It seems that nothing is safe any more. And now your Social Security Number, the lynchpin to you credit score, taxes, government benefits and more, is under attack. It can be guess

Would You Accept $200,000 If You Didn't Know Where It Came From?

You know, I hear a lot of people say that frugal people would do anything for dime. Personally, I think that applies more to greedy people, but it got me thinking of a question tha

DIY Plastic Surgery: This Is Not A Hoax.

I do a lot of research on the Internet for information about home-made solutions to everyday problems. In fact, I'll be posting one soon that covers recipes for home-made car wax,

How To Write A Resume: 12 Steps To Your Next Job

Self-promotion is not easy. Whether you're a high six-figure consultant, or earning $10 an hour in retail, you still have to talk about yourself in the right way. And one of the ke

Can't Afford a Home Alarm System? You Probably Already Have One

Home alarm systems can be expensive. A basic alarm system can be hundreds of dollars, but chances are you already own a pretty good alternative.

47 Simple Ways To Waste Money

How are you doing with your money? Do you have everything under control, or are you spending a little more than you should? Well, if you'd like to blow even more of your money, thi

Times Are Tough; Would You Consider A DIY Funeral?

It's never pleasant to think about death and funerals, but if there is one certainty in life, it's that we're all going to bite the dust at some point. And just like most things in

I Just Think Things Should Work Properly too, Mr. Dyson. UPDATED 7/7/09

I don’t own a lot of stuff that’s considered top of the line. Hardly anything in fact. But I do have the “Rolls Royce” of vacuum cleaners – The Dyson DC14 Complete (well, it was to

A Restaurant Where You Pay What You Can Afford For The Meal?

It sounds like something out a movie, but it’s actually right out of Denver, my home city. And this wonderful idea is not only incredibly innovative and generous, it’s also working

15 Wonderful Uses for Witch Hazel

What can you do with witch hazel, the mightily useful little medicinal marvel? Here's a rundown.

Five quick and simple scams that could happen to you today

A US version of the UK show The Real Hustle has been trying out some very simple but effective cons on the American public, and they’re getting away with some serious money. Watch,

Do You Live In One Of America’s Most Foreclosure-Ridden Towns?

I’ve seen several houses in my area go into foreclosure over the last 12 months. The economy and over-inflated housing prices, coupled with predatory lenders and some very bad deci

Debit Or Credit? Which One Should You Choose At The Checkout?

Debit or credit? Although the outcome seems the same, it’s a different process with different consequences.

How To Get A Customer Service Phone Number, Fast!

What do you do when you can't find a company's customer service info? You can do an online search for the phone number, or you can keep two handy sites bookmarked.

Beware, The Nasty Secret Of The Craigslist Free Section

If you love Craigslist, and use the free section to either post products or get great deals, you really need to read this. Because there’s a dirty secret to Craigslist that most pe

Suze Orman Tells Us To Pay ONLY The Minimum On Credit Cards. Wait, What?!

You’re not seeing things. This is not an April Fool’s gag (although if I’d written this last year it would have been). No, this is Suze Orman’s latest advice and it is a complete 1