Linsey Knerl's blog

Ask The Readers: To Clip or Not to Clip? (A Chance to Win $10!)

Are you a coupon-clipper? Do you plan on becoming one? Have you shunned the practice out of principle, time, or apathy? Maybe you clip a little here and there, but leave the har

Best Money Tips: Cash for Clunkers 2.0

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week’s assortment of treats comes to you with advice for junking your car, rocking your career, and brewing your own.

Ask The Readers: What is Your Personal Finance "Story?" (A Chance to Win $10!)

Everyone is writing a book these days (even a few personal finance blogs we know.. *ahem*). If you could, what would you call it? What would you cover? Answer for your chance to

Toss It or Not? 5 Organizational Tips from a Chronic Clutter Bug

Some might say that I have no business giving out organizational tips. My desk is always a mess, I usually look for things for a very long time before finding them, and my neat-an

The Five-Day Freeze: Batch Cooking for the Rest of Us

Here are my tips on batch cooking for those who work a full-time job, have tiny ones underfoot, or just generally hate cooking for days at a time.

Ask the Readers: Who is Your Online Personal Finance/Frugality Hero? (A Chance to Win $10!)

Is there an online blogger, columnist, or personality who has really inspired you to take charge of your finances? Do you secretly hope to meet a big-name PF writer some day? Is

AMEX Small Business Profile: Stacy Debroff,

We caught up with Stacy recently to get the inside scoop on her unique success story.

Ask The Readers: Are You Getting Your Tax Refund this Year? (Answer to win $10!)

Do you have a tip for making sure your tax money comes back to you at the end of every year? Give us your views and insights into tax refunds now (before the year runs out), and we

Does A Dollar Buy What it Did a Year Ago? (Answer to win $10)

Does a dollar buy the same things it did a year ago? Share your experiences to be entered to win $10 in our Trivia Tuesday giveaway!

6 Weird Things People Sell for Cash

When the recession began to really hit home, there was plenty of chatter about selling your plasma, undergoing paid medical tests, and even cutting off your lovely locks for a prof

What Does the Word "Recession" Mean to You? (Answer for a Chance to Win $10!)

Economists have it defined. News anchors provide ample commentary on what it is and how it affects us. But what about the "real" people living in today's economy? Do they "feel"

How Old Were You When You Started Saving? (Answer and Win!)

Share your savings experiences, and be entered to win one of two $10 Amazon Gift Cards and one of 6 prize packs from! To enter our Trivia Tuesday giveaway, simply a

Save Some Cash With These 6 Clever Cleaning Hacks

I’m a sucker for brand-name cleaning supplies, and while it’s no crime to be brand-loyal and use what works best for you and your family, often times there are shortcuts that can c

Do You Barter? -- Tell Us and Enter to win $10!

Do you consider yourself to be a wizard at bartering? Are you considering opting out of the money economy for even more of your day-to-day business? If you have a tip, opinion, o

Credit Card and Debt Settlement? Would you Consider it? (Your Chance to Win $10!)

Do you have a story to tell about debt settlement? Did you go through a company or did you attempt to do it on your own? Were there any negative consequences? Your comment could

How Dissatisfied Do You Need to Be to Use a Satisfaction-Guaranteed Rebate?

Many brands offer them: satisfaction-guaranteed rebates. While this helps to build reputation in the industry and gives genuinely disgruntled consumers an easy fix for their probl

Rebel with a Cause: ING Direct CEO Arkadi Kulhmann Talks Shop

According to Arkadi Kuhlmann, CEO and President of ING Direct and author of "The Orange Code: How ING Direct Succeeded by Being a Rebel with a Cause", credit cards are the opium of

Tasty Treats to Make With Mulberries

It’s one of my favorite times of year. The volunteer mulberry trees in my yard have begun popping with mulberries, and the kids have come inside from a morning out in the yard wit

What Was Your Worst Job Ever? Tell us and Win $10!

It’s time for our weekly trivia question: What was your most hated job? Share your sad, tacky, or scary employment experiences and be entered to win a $10 Gift Certificate!

4 Ways to Win the War Against This Summer’s Electric Bill

Energy increases are common this time of year, and with many families already struggling to pay the utility bills, it can seem more burdensome than ever. There’s no one-size-fits-