Paul Michael's blog

15 Surprising Facts About Income Tax

From the first recorded income tax to the popular teenage job that's filled with tax-evaders, prepared to be shocked, awed, and informed by these income-tax facts.

28 Innovative Uses for Binder Clips

What can you do with binder clips? The question should really be "what can't you do?" From kitchen hacks to children's toys, check out the many uses for this little office gadget.

10 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Under $15

It’s that time again. Time to panic because you still have gifts to buy. Well, here are 10 last-minute ideas to help you spread cheer without getting an ulcer in the process.

Get a Deal Every Time You Shop with These Tools

If you have the right tools, you can always get a deal. Learn how to always get what you want, at the price you want.

10 Ways to Rock Your Next Presentation

Ace your next work or school presentation with these 10 expert tips.

How to Make Money Tweeting

If you're popular on Twitter, you could get paid for your tweets...even if you're not a Kardashian.

How Parents Can Use Cloud Computing to Help With Homework

Additional tutoring by parents outside of school hours is invaluable for children, and cloud computing can help parents interact with their children in entirely new ways.

Beware of the Phrase "We Can Cut Your Debt In Half!"

Debt settlement agencies claim they can cut your debt in half. But sometimes they don't follow through on their promises...and can even make things worse.

Advertising Jargon That Aims to Mislead

In advertising, not everything is as it seems. Watch out for these phrases; if they're being used, you should reconsider the purchase you're about to make.

Eat 256 Big Macs to Win a $5 Gift Card

How many Big Macs would you have to eat to win a particular prize in McDonald's Monopoly? You're about to find out.

The Ultimate List of Hangover Cures

The party season is almost upon us, and you'll have more than enough occasions to drink a little more than you should. Are there any good hangover cures out there? It turns out the

The Secret Confessions of Employees

What exactly is in Wendy's Chili? What are those big name retailers not telling you? How do you get better deals? Well, you're about to find out.

All We Are Saying...Is Give Pabst A Chance.

Next time you have a barbecue or birthday party, grab a case of PBR or another "cheap" beer. You're serving good beer and you're saving money, too.

Do You Own a Domain Name That’s Worth a Fortune?

Chances are, many of you reading this already own a few domain names. At around $8 a year these days, they’re cheap enough. But did you know that some of those domain names could b

Will That Thing Really Change Your Life?

Will it make you happy? Will it bring you the endless hours of joy that you imagine when you look at it? What thing am I talking about? Well, it's different for every person,

Is Pet Health Insurance Worth It?

Everyone is talking about the staggering costs of health care these days, but they don't talk about pet health care. And it's not cheap. Not even close.

Top 10 "Unusual" Uses For Duct Tape

From wallets to emergency sunglasses and even boats, duct tape really can fix (or make) almost anything.

Want to Keep Your Disposable Razor Blades Sharp? Use Your Arm

With these two tricks, you can keep one disposable razor blade sharp and ready-to-use for five months or more.

Generic Drug Price Lists For Six Major Pharmacies - Updated

You've seen the ads on TV offereing $4 generic drugs, but then when you get your prescription filled it's not $4 at all. As it turns out, every pharmacy has their own slightly d

Is "Health Food" Worse for You than Junk Food?

Health food isn't necessarily as good for you as you'd expect it to be. In fact, it might be those "healthy" foods that are ultimately making you fat.