Nora Dunn's blog

Insured Annuities for Wise Bloggers

You (or somebody you know) can have your cake and eat it too utilizing the Insured Annuity concept. It's a way to provide a guaranteed tax-preferred lifetime income while guarantee

It's A Small (And Changing) World After All

It's easy to stick our heads in the sand and say that the answer to "Life, The Universe, and Everything" is 42. But we all very well know that the world we live in is

How To Read Five To Ten Books Each Month, and a Special Deal For Wise Bread Readers!

I used to work very long hours, and spent many of them in my car. But despite the 14 hour days in addition to the regular chores to keep my home chugging along, I managed to read f

Mutual Funds for Wise Bloggers

I know that Wise Bloggers are smart readers, so you might already know everything there is to know about mutual funds. However I have come across many very smart people who don't a

Hitching a Ride on an Airplane

Hitch hiking has been done for years and years. Simply stick your thumb out and wait for a benevolent driver to stop. But how about thumbing a ride on an airplane?

A Guaranteed Way To Avoid Impulse Credit Card Purchases

This tip is so easy and simple you'll wonder why you didn't think of it already. All you need is a plastic bag and some water, and your impulse credit card purchases will be a thin

Critical Illness Insurance For Wise Patients

There are many people who believe in insurance, and just as many who are vehemently against it. Personally I'm a believer, but I also know that there is no blanket solution for

The Millionaire Next Door: Riches De-mystified

You've seen them driving by you but you didn't even notice. They were in the checkout line at the grocery store but you didn't give them a second glance. They're ev

Augment Your Income By Going To Nightclubs

Execution is the key to good business. Money-making ideas are rampant, but it's the people who actually take the time and energy to execute those ideas that are the world's

How To Choose A Financial Planner - Yes You!

I don't care who you are. (Well, actually I do, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this). What I mean, is I don't care about your background, education, financial prowess, or absolu

How To Turn A Video Game System Into A Gym Membership

Never thought you could actually get in shape with that PS2 or Xbox, huh? Believe it or not, I justified buying a PS2 because it's cheaper than hiring a personal trainer and ge

How To Get A Discount Every Time

Discounts. Wouldn't they be great to get every single time you purchase something? Big or small, from new hats to furniture sets? It is more possible than you may think.

6 Steps to Eliminating Your Debt Painlessly

Eliminating Debt Painlessly. Rarely do you see these words fit together in a neat little sentence. The very act of putting your hard earned money towards the stack of debts you've