Ashley Eneriz's blog

Can You Really Save With Amazon Prime Pantry?

Prime Pantry is yet another of Amazon's many services aimed at saving consumers time and money. How can you make the most of it?

5 Unexpected Dog Costs You Should Prepare for Now

Dogs are cute, cuddly, and can be very costly. Here's how to prepare for their big bills.

Here's How Spending 3% On You Will Advance Your Career

Want to earn more money throughout your career? It could be as simple as investing in yourself.

5 Lessons That Teach Your Kid to Be Their Own Boss

Even if your child isn't interested in self-employment later in life, these entrepreneurial skills will help no matter what life or career path they pursue.

How I Sold My House in 48 Hours

Some homes languish on the market for months, costing owners money and stress. Find out how one seller got it done in a single weekend.

Here's What Happens to a Mortgage in a Divorce

Divorce is messy. And step one is figuring out how to split ways with your biggest shared asset; your home.

6 Pearls of Career Wisdom From Brian Tracy

Find yourself stumbling down your career path? We've collected some favorite tips from motivational expert Brian Tracy to get you back on track.

4 Starbucks Drinks You Can Easily Make Yourself

Oh, sure, save $40 a week by cutting back on lattes — but what do you treat yourself with instead? These four great low-lucre libations.

6 Fun Games That Teach Your Kids About Money

Teaching your children financial literacy is as easy as playing a game.

5 Shopping Habits to Nix Before You Turn 30

Achieve financial success in your 30s by leaving these bad shopping habits back in your 20s.

The Surprising Way Birth Order Decides Your Money Habits

Can't figure out why you keep making the same money mistakes? Your birth order might be to blame.

8 Part-Time Jobs That Offer College Benefits

Don't pick just any part-time job when you are in college. Choose one that offers college tuition benefits, too.

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Finances Before Retirement

Make the transition to retirement a little easier by taking care of few personal finance tasks before your income shrinks.

How to Increase Your Child's Odds of Winning a Scholarship

Only the rarest of special snowflake students get scholarships, right? Wrong. Anyone can find money to help with school if they know where to look.