Denise Hill's blog

5 Things to Know Before Adding Someone to the Deed

Before you add someone to the deed on your home, you should be aware of these five things.

How to Pay Off These 4 Types of Debt

Before you start making significant payments towards your debt, make sure you're doing it the right way, and in the right order.

How to Pick the Best Home Offer

It can be tricky sifting through multiple home offers and selecting the best one. This guide will help you do that.

How Buying a House Impacts Your Career

Believe it or not, buying a house impacts your career as much as it does your finances.

4 Ways to Come Clean When You've Been Financially Unfaithful

Admitting your wrongdoings to a partner is hard. Add money to the mix, and that makes things even harder.

How to Prepare Your Money for the Coming Economic Slowdown

Experts warn an economic downturn may be on the horizon. Is your money prepared?

4 Money Challenges That Will Strengthen Every Relationship

A successful marriage needs healthy money management. These fun couples' challenges can get you there.

5 Reasons Getting Rich Quick Is Unlikely and Always Will Be

If getting rich quick was easy, we'd all be doing it.

5 Obstacles You Can Expect on Your Journey to Financial Freedom

The road to financial freedom is paved with good intentions — and there are a few potholes along the way, too.

5 Things That Could Wreck an Early Retirement

Those chasing early retirement with aggressive saving and frugal lifestyles should also prepare for unexpected costs, post retirement.

4 Smart Things You Should Do With Your First Real Paycheck

Your first real paycheck is cause for celebration — and cause for some smart money moves.

How to Prepare When Your Unemployment Is Ending

Unemployment benefits can be a lifeline, but you need to prepare for when that lifeline ends.

These 6 Shopping Challenges Will Keep You Stylish Without Breaking Your Budget

If you've been stymied in your efforts to save money on clothes and accessories, make it easier by giving yourself a challenge.

4 Ways Couples Can Tackle Money Goals Together

If you really want to win at marriage, you need to make "money goals" your new "relationship goals."

How Authenticity Could Make or Break Your Small Business

Forget marketing: Your small business only needs one very special thing to be truly successful.

7 Tough Questions About Debt, Answered

These aren't the easy, make a plan and pay it off questions about debt. These are the ones that keep you up at night.

How to Spring-Clean Your Debt

Spring is in the air! Time to make your debt repayment plan bloom.

5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Resilience

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Take these steps now to build up your ability to withstand a financial crisis.

5 Things Every Single Person Needs to Do With Their Money

When you're on your own, you're on your own, especially when it comes to money. Here's how singles can protect it.

4 Signs You Should Sell Your Small Business

Your small business is your baby. When is the right time to let it go?