Craig Ford's blog

Why Getting Out of Debt is Like Running a Marathon

A few years ago, I ran a marathon. And while it taught me a lot about exercise, it might have taught me even more about money.

Diagnose and Improve Your Financial Health: A 10-Item Checklist

If you resolved to take better care of your finances in 2011, learn what to fix first — and how — with this checkup list.

8 Frequently Under-Budgeted Air Travel Costs

Baggage fees, parking, food, and other charges can drive up air travel costs. Here are some tips to avoid the extra charges.

5 Rules for Planning Your Most Affordable Christmas Ever

Christmas is coming, but don't make it a great December and a horrible January. Follow these Christmas rules to make it affordable.

How Do Bloggers Make Money? What Every Non-blogger Should Know

Today I’m going to give you some industry tips so you, as a consumer, know how bloggers make their money.

Credit Cards vs. Debit Cards: A Comprehensive Comparison

“Credit cards and debit cards have the exact same benefits.” I’ve heard this statement for a long time, but I wanted to test it out to see if it is true.

How to Be a Superhero without Supernatural Abilities

A hero isn’t someone who wears a crimson cape. A hero is not someone who possesses super human strength. A hero is someone who consistently does amazing things over a lifetime.

How to Get a Life: Consider the Worst Case Scenario

There is something that drives everything we do. When the masks are removed, fear controls much of what we do. Fear poisons us until we are too paralyzed to act. Learn a helpful st

The Ethics of Free: Is it Wrong to Get Free Stuff?

The problem with free is that it doesn't mean something is really free. It just means that someone else has paid for the product or service instead of you.

5 Money Lessons From the Third World

My family moved to Papua New Guinea, and the money lessons we've received have been important, surprising, and priceless.

5 Frugal Birthday Party Games

Some of the best birthday party activities are also the cheapest. Have a fun, frugal children's birthday party with these great activities.

How to Save 44% or More At Select Priority Club Hotels

Every few months Priority Clubs designates certain hotels as PointBreaks locations.  These hotel offerings are extremely limited and available at a special points discou

Build Your Own Furniture: 9 Helpful Tips For Non-Carpenters

It might seem intimidating, but it's totally possible for you to make your own furniture, even if you've barely wielded a hammer before. Learn how.

5 Free Wesabe Alternatives | Goodbye Wesabe

The Wesabe free online personal finances tool will shut down effective July 31st, 2010.  If you are a Wesabe user, you have until then to download all of your data.&nb

Car Sharing: How Playing Nice and Sharing Cars Saves Money

One of the most important lessons we learn in kindergarten is also one of the best money saving tips of all time – share. This post introduces a unique way to save money

How to Improve Your Credit Score

By following a few simple steps you can improve your financial situation and credit score.

5 Ways to Minimize Baggage Fees When Flying

Since airlines started charging for checked bags the cost of travel continues to increase. However, the traveling public can minimize baggage fees with these tips.

3 Reasons Not to Invest Now

Sure, investing is a smart move. But before you decide to invest, you need to decide if it's the right time for you.

6 False Assumptions About Debt-Free Living

What to expect once you're debt-free.

How to Minimize the Cost of Living When Moving: The Cost of Living Myth

Cost of living is an important consideration when moving to a new location. Nevertheless, there are many false assumptions regarding the cost of living differences.

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