Kentin Waits's blog

Logos 101: Designing Your Business Identity

Next to your name, your company's logo is your most important branding and identity tool. Here's what you need to know about logo design and logo designers.

A Beginner’s Guide to Frugal Living

The path to frugality has many detours, and even the experts make mistakes. Here are seven things to keep in mind as you find your own road.

Tech Life: 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be an Early Adopter

It might be a boost for your ego, but it's a bummer for your wallet. Learn why avoiding early adoption saves you money — and gets you better tech.

How to Communicate Effectively

In the age of too much communication, getting your voice heard means keeping your messages clear, simple and direct.

10 Innovative Ways To Reward Your Employees

Rewarding employees for a job well done is a fundamental management technique. And it doesn't have to be expensive.

Impress the Future Boss: 9 Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Acing a job interview is a delicate art. Make sure you don't screw up — and do land the gig — by avoiding these mistakes.

8 Easy Ways to Green Your Small Business

Greening up your business can boost your image, your bottom line, and your sense of well being. And it can be as easy as turning off the lights.

10 Cheap, Handmade Gift Wrapping Ideas

Instead of filling the trash with expensive, one-use-only wrapping paper this year, use these ideas for wrapping that is as unique as it is frugal.

Defensive Laundry: 9 Ways to Help Your Clothes Last Longer

You spend good money on clothing, so make it last — ensure your threads don't get threadbare with these laundry tips.

5 Grinch-Free Ways To Celebrate The Holidays With Your Customers

The holiday season is an opportunity to deepen customer relationships and show your community your company cares. Here's how to hide your inner Grinch and spread some Joy.

How To Identify And Eliminate Waste In Your Budget

When the going gets tough, the tough tighten their belts. Here's how to tighten yours.

Financial Emergencies: How to Weather the Storm

A financial emergency can seem insurmountable — but if you follow these steps, you can get through unscathed.

5 Principles Of Creating A Cultural Brand

Crossing the line between commerce and culture.

Early Holiday Shopping: Why I Finish by Thanksgiving

Already feeling that pre-holiday stress set in? Get a jump on holiday shopping, and reclaim some of that peace that the holidays are supposed to be about.

Innovations In Advertising

Where won't clever marketers place their advertisements? Where will you?

Snow Patrol: Winter Driving Safety Kit Must-Haves

Fall might just be setting in, but now is the perfect time to get prepared for winter. Stay safe on the road at any time with these emergency essentials.

The Rise In Artisans: Global Lessons From A Local Movement

Artisan businesses run the gamut, from chocolate to blue jeans. But they all share a keen focus on customer service and distinctive branding.

6 Habits of Highly Productive People

Being busy and being productive are not synonyms. Is doing too much keeping you from getting anything done?

10 Frugal Ways to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

This winter, stay warm and toasty on the cheap with these fast, frugal, and easy ways to winterize your home.

Winning Workspaces—7 Tips from Professional Organizers

Desk buried under a pile of post-its? Office a heap of un-filed files? Try these tips to bring some order to your workspace and get more done.