Julie Rains's blog

Your Personnel File...at home

Your employer has (or should have) a personnel file with your name on it; should you have one also? Theoretically, you should be able to access information from your file at the of

What's Faster for Mortgage Payoff: $100/Month Extra or 1 Payment/Year Extra?

Is it better to pay $100 per month extra on your mortgage or make an extra payment at the end of each year? It depends on your loan balance and interest rate.

How to inspire corporate confidence

A recruiter friend once told me that working at one employer for more than 15 years was a red flag to his client companies. At best, the long-standing employee is seen as unwilling

Stock up on school (and office) supplies with back-to-school sales

You can start stocking up on school (and office) supplies now if you haven't already but be careful out there. Great deals are everywhere (including Target, Kmart, Staples, Office

Personal Financial Advisors awaiting your call

Financial advice is everywhere (even here at www.wisebread.com) from the bank teller to a wealth manager who wants to dispense planning advice, manage your investment portfolio, an

Walking away (from a job that’s going away) on your terms

If you sense that you're in trouble at your job, don't let the progressive disciplinary madness continue. Take action instead, and walk away on your terms.

Stopping the Student-Loan Debt Stress

Is your student-loan debt causing stress, influencing you to make financial decisions that are not necessarily in your best long-term interests, and delaying your entry into what your parents [more]

Pursuing Interests: Free to $1K+

Pursuing interests and learning new things can be costly or not, depending on your interests, what is available in your community or online, and how flexible your schedule is. If y

Stock Investing Online: ShareBuilder vs. Discount Brokerage

Are you eager to get started in stock-market investing but want to take it slow and easy at first? [more]

Do I need life insurance for little ones?

When my second child was born, I was approached by an insurance agent who thought that I should consider purchasing life insurance policies for my children. [more]

Laughing at Ourselves elevated by Doug Marlette

When I first heard of Doug Marlette, he was an editorial cartoonist with The Charlotte Observer. He accepted an invitation to speak to high school students and personally

Home Details I Overlooked the First Time

If you're in the market for a new home (new to you or new period), make sure you aren't paying premium prices for so-so materials, and don't underestimate the expenses and headache

3-6 months of living expenses?

Personal-finance experts often recommend having 3-6 months' worth of living expenses saved and easily accessible. In his July 1, 2007 Getting Going column ("Popular Advice

The Case for Not Tweaking Your Resume

You've written, edited, and polished your resume. It's taken hours, days, or even weeks and now you're ready to start distributing the resume to potential employers. Should you sti

Summer Reading Made Easy

If you're a mom, dad, grandma, granddad, aunt, uncle, big sister, big brother, friend, or tutor, you will most likely find yourself spending time with a child this summer. [more]

7 Simple Rules that Your Work-at-Home Employer Should Follow

Working from home, as a contractor or full-time employee for a legitimate business, seems to be a great way of making money while keeping a flexible schedule with plenty of time fo

Slow DRIP into investing

My first-ever individual stock holding was a Duke Power (now Duke Energy) share that I acquired through its Dividend Reinvestment Plan or DRIP. [more]

Business Plan Basics

I have a business and offer writing services so, on occasion, I have been asked to write business plans. Those making such requests are generally very eager, convinced of their

Father's Day: What does Dad really want?

Given that you, your father’s child, are physically healthy, emotionally stable, and reasonably educated (his top priorities), what does your dad really want besides a visit or call from you? [more]

Our Worst Financial Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them

Wise Bread bloggers share their worst financial mistakes. Hopefully, wherever you may be in your living-large journey, you can learn from us.