
ETFs Offer Incredible Benefits...with a Dark Side

MOO is a cute name for a ticker symbol, but not a good reason to buy an exchange-traded fund. Learn what you need to know about these potentially great tools for retail investors.

Best Money Tips: Unclutter in Under 5

Today, we share tips to reduce clutter in a jiffy, ways to save money by not buying storage containers, advice for finding a good and affordable mechanic, and more!

How Parents Save Money at Costco

Raising kids isn’t cheap, but shopping at Costco can help parents cut costs on everything from infant formula to toys.

The Importance of Friendly Letters

Electronic messages are fast but impersonal. Learn why you should send a friendly letter instead.

That Sneaky Bank Almost Got Me

Rule number one for avoiding bank fees? Pay attention. (But it also helps to have a little luck.)

Meet Meg Favreau, Our Senior Editor

Frugal living is a lot like eating food, and not just because I love both things.

Best Money Tips: Making money with your home or car

Today, we share tips for anyone who wants to make some extra money with their home or car, recipes for real-looking fake snow, and advice to help lay down emotional baggage.

6 Simple Ways to Safeguard Against Bank Bullying

Banks can be like huge monsters, chomping up your cash with fee after fee. Here are six ways to fight back.

4 Essential Financial Tips For Kicking Off Your Career

If you've recently joined the workforce, you shouldn't just think about your career path; you should think about your financial path as well.

3 Ways to Beat Holiday Shopping Stress

This "jolly" season can become overwhelming when you shop, but these tips can help you avoid getting caught up in the hustle and bustle.

Retail Therapy: The Benefits of Shopping

"Retail therapy" — shopping to help you feel better — is typically viewed with scorn. But some recent findings suggest that shopping can make you happy...if you do it right.

Best Money Tips: Becoming Self-Sufficient

Today, we share advice on how to become more self-sufficient, ways to tell if something is a rip-off or a real deal, a few kitchen cures for common ailments, and more.

10 Great Gifts for Teachers

No more apples, mugs, or other unwanted gifts. This year, consider one of these 10 frugal winners, all suggested by teachers.

How to Buy Stocks, Priceline-Style

Setting your own price for stocks is easy if you know what strategy to use. And you don't even need William Shatner to negotiate for you.

Best Money Tips: Getting Credit for Your Work

Today, we share tips on making sure you receive credit where it's due, getting work done in holiday-filled December, choosing and using a babysitter, and more!

How to Make Money Tweeting

If you're popular on Twitter, you could get paid for your tweets...even if you're not a Kardashian.

5 Fun Family Friendly Games for Your Holiday Party

You have the food, you have your guests, now add the entertainment: Here are five games under $20 that kids and adults can enjoy together.

20 Fitness Gifts for $15 or Less

From cyclists to swimmers, find great (and inexpensive!) gifts for the fitness-lovers in your life.

Tax Planning: 5 Things to Do Before the End of the Year

There's a mere month left to 2010; learn what you should do now to maximize your tax savings.

Why I Still Write Paper Checks

I know people who never write checks, but I'm not one of them. Here's why.