
5 Reasons to Change Traditional Holiday Gift-Giving

Few of us need more stuff cluttering our lives. Discover why you should re-think traditional gift-giving...and what you should give instead.

Best Money Tips: Feel Better, Look Younger

Today, we share an easy way to feel and look better, a strategy to convince your spouse to help manage your finances, trips for growing basil at home, and more!

Best Money Tips: How to Start Working from Home

Today, we share the steps to take when you want to work from home, a tutorial to make a reusable coffee cozy out of an old belt, and more.

The Low-Flow Shower Head: Get 640% ROI in One Year

That's right, a 640% return on investment...and it's good for the environment. Learn more about this easy-to-install money-saver.

How to Avoid Getting Fleeced at Hotels

Maximize the comfort and value of your next hotel stay by avoiding these hidden charges, surprise fees, and other value-sucking vampires.

6 Ways to Spend Black Friday at Home

How to spend the infamous shopping day getting ready for the holidays without ever leaving your house.

Best Money Tips: Savings in a Small Home

Happy Thanksgiving! Today, we give you the silver lining to living in a small home, alternative ways to spend Black Friday, tasty suggestions for leftovers, and more.

Black Friday Tips From Money-Saving Experts

Black Friday is not the day for casual browsing! If you're going to shop, either online or in the store, use these tips from the Internet's top savings experts to prepare.

Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Sleep Better

Today, we share tips to help you get a good night's sleep, make room in your fridge for all the a holiday cooking, avoid the pitfalls of online holiday shopping, and more!

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.

Book Review: Early Retirement Extreme

Think you can live on one-tenth of your current income? If you're ready to downsize, this book can help you retire long before you ever thought possible.

Five Last-Minute Thanksgiving Fixes

Don't throw out your Thanksgiving mistakes; follow these tips to salvage everything from dry turkey to bad wine.

Best Money Tips: Tipping People Who Can't Take Tips

Today, we share how you can show your appreciation to workers who can't take tips, save hundreds by taking a day off, and put some pizazz in eating meals at home.

5 Ways Everyone Can Make More Money

Sure, you want to make more money...but are you willing to do what it takes?

Review of Women Empowering Themselves: A Financial Survival Guide

Although it's targeted at divorced women, this book is a valuable read for women of any relationship status who want to take control of their finances.

Turkey Dinner for Two

Recently we've grown tired of traveling to big, traditional Thanksgiving gatherings, so we decided to create new traditions for just the two of us.

10 Tips from a Financially-Savvy Teen

A few years ago, Tamara Johnson had no savings. Today she is a college student, funding her education with scholarships and savings. Learn how she did it.

Managing a Holiday Potluck: How to Keep Things Under Control

There are a few tricks I've picked up on that keep a potluck meal from winding up with ten desserts and no salad.

Best Money Tips: Reach Your Goals By Measuring Them

Today, we share how you can achieve your goals and resolutions by measuring them, the down-low on hand sanitizers, fun and frugal ways to bond with your family, and more!

Curing Warts, Removing Splinters, and 19 Other Bizarre Uses for Banana Peels

From greening your garden to moistening meat, banana peels have plenty of surprising uses. Plus, discover 7 bonus uses for bananas themselves.