
Peak Debt

Is there a limit to how much Americans can spend? Clearly there is: All they earn, minus savings and service on their existing debt, plus new borrowing. Since the Bureau of Econ

How I got two CEOs to listen to my complaints

Here’s a shining example of how Wise Bread writers not only read each others stories, we also follow the advice. And in my case, it worked like a charm. I’m two for two, and I plan

Need a game to learn to manage your credit?

Everybody learns best in their own way. Some by reading, some by listening, some only by personal experience--and there are always a few who never learn. But, if you're one of th

The Upside of Down

As we watch the markets sink and gyrate, it's a scary time. There's talk of a major recession. While the downsides of a downturn are obvious and very real -- lost work, lost invest

Could the last person to leave America please turn out the light.

I don’t know about you, but I’m more than a little worried by recent economic events. First Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, then Lehman Brothers, and now an $85 billion loan to AIG. So

Sure Savings at the Supermarket

A SURE way to save 20-25% on many of your groceries? Oh, yes, and it couldn't be simpler!

Money lost in money fund

For thirty years, people have treated money funds as being just as safe as a bank. On the rare occasions when money fund management made a bad investment, they've voluntarily coug

Do plastic baby bottles cause diabetes and heart disease?

What? Poisonous infant formula wasn't enough? Plastic baby bottles and the linings of canned food may be linked to diabetes, heart disease, and altered development in infants' brai

Poisonous Infant Formula May Be Closer Than You Think

The FDA recently issued a warning against infant formula produced in China. With our current regulations, it seems that there would be no chance of the average consumer even havin

What your house is really worth

There are several things you can do with a house that you own. During the housing boom, most of the attention was focused on two of those things: You could sell it, or you could

Are You and Your Spouse Planning the Same Retirement?

You expect to spend your retirement years living in Costa Rica. Your spouse expects to stay local and join the golf club. And you don’t figure this out until the day before you re

Fresh Fruit for Rotten Cheapskates Like Me

What’s a good way to save money on fresh fruit? Eat with the season. Out of your own backyard. Or your neighbors. My quick and easy raw foods apple sauce recipe is at the end. You

5 Easy Recipes Perfect for the Traveling Chef

All you need is a basic, stocked kitchen and widely available ingredients to prepare these travel-friendly recipes.

My disgusting fake game show asks "What would you do for money?"

I’ve written before about morality and pride taking a back seat to cash rewards. With today's game shows scraping the bottom of a very deep barrel, it amazes me what people will do

Book Review: Eco-Friendly Families (Win a Copy!)

I didn’t know what to expect when I started into Eco-Friendly Families by Helen Coronato. I am, after all, only considered “moderately green.” Would this book, with over 200 page

Can you Travel Light? Great! Fly Internationally for Free

Can you travel with carry on luggage only? Do you fly solo? And can you fly last minute? Great! Now you can fly for drastically discounted rates, and sometimes even for free.

Help! My Money Scares Me!: Tips for Educating Yourself Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Do you feel lost at the very idea of having a budget, let alone a comprehensive financial plan? Does it make your head hurt to think about how much you make and how much you spend?

Best Money Tips: WaMu Go Bye-Bye?

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Is WaMu on the way out? Also, learn to control your ego as a means to control your spending, find out how to bargain the right w

Should you spend your money while you can?

A new article on Slate today details a study by some economists that say people should enjoy their money while they are still healthy and young. The conclusion of their study is th

Your Couch Can Earn Cash And Support A Band

By now, anyone interested in budget travel has heard of CouchSurfing. While the site has obvious advantages for travelers looking to meet locals and save money, but it can also be