Recent comments

  • For all you Readers out there   17 years 21 weeks ago

    That's the coolest thing!  I'm also a Reader, and I can see myself saving a lot of money with that service.  Like you said, sometimes the classics just don't hold my interest for that long, so I have piles of books around the house that are half read or barely touched.  But I can handle a couple pages at a time in email!

  • For all you Readers out there   17 years 21 weeks ago

    Now I can finally look productive at work while doing something I really enjoy. Thanks Sarah. I browsed through the site and it looks like it has a great selection.

  • Sayulita, baby!   17 years 21 weeks ago

    ...the center of town, the "town square" area. I think there's a line of taxis there, and I think there was a street performer twirling flaming sticks beyond what you can see but possibly the cause of all the people being there.

    Hi, Manny.

  • Car Buying Part 2 – Into the Devil's domain.   17 years 21 weeks ago

    I think it's good that we have opposing opinions from time to time. As long as we're helping people save a bunch of money and live life to the full, we're doing our job.

  • Car Buying Part 2 – Into the Devil's domain.   17 years 21 weeks ago

    I generally think that when something positive happens, I think of it as happening to "Wise Bread" the entity. When something bad happens, I would like to blame the writers individually. Preferably Andrea, but Chris is a good fall guy too.

    In all seriousness, Wise Bread is a collection of great writing and opinions from individual writers. Not only is one writer's opinion not representative of the entire group, I would say many times we won't even find agreement among ourselves. Unfortunately the outside world will often lump us all together as "Wise Bread" because it is just easier for them to do so. We can gently correct them in serious cases of misidentification but I have a feeling that in everyday blogging it might not be that easy to police that type of lumping.

  • Car Buying Part 2 – Into the Devil's domain.   17 years 21 weeks ago

    A glowing review is always preferable, but as my time in advertising has proven time and again, any reaction is good reaction. It does make me think about something though. The review quoted Wisebread as having those opinions, not me. I'd hate to think any of us, as bloggers, would tarnish the reputation of the whole site by writing something contentious. Is this something we need to address? That Wisebread is made up of individual thoughts and opinions, and may not necessarily reflect the views of the site as a whole?

  • Car Buying Part 2 – Into the Devil's domain.   17 years 21 weeks ago

    It is pretty cool to write a good enough article to not only inspire someone to respond, but to respond point by point! My own mother doesn't read my posts from beginning to end. I think she reads halfway and starts asking me whether I had dinner yet. And why do I look so thin? Have I lost weight? But I digress.

  • Car Buying Part 2 – Into the Devil's domain.   17 years 21 weeks ago

    Well, it's a mix of good and bad as a review goes. But keeping in mind that this person was a former car dealer, I can see why the animosity creeps in. As I would always add to my posts, this is subjective based on my own experiences and things I have learned. And for everyone who will tell you to mention your trade, I can find two who will say don't. I really don't care about ticking off the salesman, they never seemed to concerned about my well-being when they were trying to buy my trade-in for $1500 under book and sell me a car for $2000 over the TMV. So, like any review, I take it with a grain of salt. Still, nice to see we're getting some readership!

  • Car Buying Part 2 – Into the Devil's domain.   17 years 21 weeks ago

    Houston Cars posted a point-by-point analysis of your post. =)

  • Sayulita, baby!   17 years 21 weeks ago

    The view from the balcony is very interesting.  What was going on down there?  Just regular street traffic?

  • Sayulita, baby!   17 years 21 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. You guys make an adorable couple. The shots of the beach are amazing. Looks like you pretty much had the place to yourself. And Dave's expression in the last picture--priceless! It's as if he's thinking "I just married a great woman AND I'm on a super awesome honeymoon, how do I get away with being so lucky?"

  • Sayulita, baby!   17 years 21 weeks ago

    Congrats on a successful wedding and honeymoon! Sayulita looks pretty nice... and warm! What I would give for a giant margarita, the beach and a toasty hot sun right now!

    I get a pretty big thrill finding a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that serves amazing food, but nobody else knows about it. Sayulita sounds like my kinda hole-in-the-wall vacation spot. :)

  • Packing it in - The Independent of London issues a challenge   17 years 21 weeks ago

    ...I can't post a picture here. I have some great examples of "too much packaging" from our wedding presents (my 6'0" husband with packaging up to his knees and a huge box for 12 wine glasses).

  • Packing it in - The Independent of London issues a challenge   17 years 21 weeks ago

    That's funny and outrageous. 

    I wonder if we're all on the No Fly List for our frugal and simple living attitudes. I'm sure Will's anti-FBI post doesn't help.

    We're so screwed.  Viva Canada!

  • 55 Ways I Saved (or Considered Saving) Time and Money Planning my Wedding   17 years 21 weeks ago

    These were just the premade chocolate cakes that you can buy out of the bakery section; I think they are called "triple chocolate" or something like that - very dense chocolately cakes. We got there as soon as the store opened the day of the wedding and bought two big ones. The flower lady decorated them with pansies and viola! And there were still leftovers; they are that big.

  • Delicious Way to Use Up All the Vegetables in Your Crisper   17 years 21 weeks ago

    I used Pioneer Organics. They were reasonable and super-polite. I only cancelled because I wanted to better track my expenditures. Every major urban area seems to have an organic delivery business or two nowadays. There are several to choose from in the Seattle area, but Pioneer was the most flexible.

    Magical Leek Soup - I personally can't imagine lasting an entire weekend on that. But it's a nice idea. :) The leek soup IS pretty good, too, just not filling enough to keep me sated for two whole days.

  • Delicious Way to Use Up All the Vegetables in Your Crisper   17 years 21 weeks ago

    what is this cool organic-veggies-to-your-door service called?

  • Delicious Way to Use Up All the Vegetables in Your Crisper   17 years 21 weeks ago

    from the food lover's companion: bisque [bihsk] A thick, rich soup usually consisting of pureed seafood (sometimes fowl or vegetables) and cream.

    [and andrea, totally agree with you on French Women Don't Get Fat -- so much wisdom in that little book, and it's presented in such a friendly, non-preachy voice. one day i'll take the plunge and eat nothing but leek soup for a weekend. on second thought.. maybe not]

  • Delicious Way to Use Up All the Vegetables in Your Crisper   17 years 21 weeks ago

    And to be fair, not every blended veggie soup is a bisque - I think there are some requirements (cream? alcohol?). I was just pleasantly surprised to see how easy it was to make what was pretty decent soup without a lot of work.

  • Delicious Way to Use Up All the Vegetables in Your Crisper   17 years 21 weeks ago

    That sounds like a great title for a cookbook.

  • 55 Ways I Saved (or Considered Saving) Time and Money Planning my Wedding   17 years 21 weeks ago

    Andrea, could you get your Costco to do round cakes, or did your sister have sheets? I ask because I like Costco so much more than I like Sam's, but they wouldn't make my round cakes ;(

  • Delicious Way to Use Up All the Vegetables in Your Crisper   17 years 21 weeks ago

    As a rule, I'm afraid to attempt cooking anything that sounds even vaguely French.  Thanks for taking the risk out of bisque.

    And no, no, I couldn't resist that. 

  • Car Buying Part 2 – Into the Devil's domain.   17 years 21 weeks ago

    I bought my first car last year, and got a bunch of extras that I didn't need (warranty, Lo Jack), and what they kept giving me was the monthly payment info, which barely goes up as you add thousands of dollars to your final price. I was supposed to get away with an out-the-door price of $17K plus my trade-in, but I ended up with a loan for $21K. NEVER let them pull that whole "monthly payment" crap on you.

    Also, I regret not selling my car on craigslist on my own. I would have had $5K in cash rather than a trade-in valued at just above $3K. It would have taken some extra work, but I could have done it.

  • Not Just Some Junk in a Box   17 years 21 weeks ago

    Don't worry - WiseBread authors are a diverse bunch, from all over the place. But the one thing that we have in common is that we are all raging alcoholics.

    And Will, same here: in my family, once the wine starts flowing, things get dangerous. A canasta tournament was destroyed when one family member got sick of being unable to meld and through the decks of cards across the room. Other ugly incidents involve Pictionary and liberal use of the one-fingered salute.

  • 55 Ways I Saved (or Considered Saving) Time and Money Planning my Wedding   17 years 21 weeks ago

    Super list there, Mrs. Frugal. My sister did some similar things with her wedding - we made the invites and the programs, which rocked, she had her dress made by our favorite aunt, and we got the huge chocolate cakes from Costco for, like, $13 each.

    She hired a wonderful woman from our hometown farmer's market to do the bouquets, so for a couple hundred bucks, we were decked out in all kinds of fragrant lillies. Each centerpiece was a bouquet in a stainless steel bowl (bought at Target for, like, $5 each), and it looked awesome. Not reusable, mind you, but gorgeous, and good gifts for the staff that helped serve the wine at the venue they had hired.