Recent comments

  • Handling Emotions and Money   17 years 24 weeks ago

    Sure, counting to 10 and going for a walk are great, but they arent for everyone. One thing that you are probably familiar with is the idea of writing a nasty-gram.

    I often get peeved when I am in the car. And if I am alone, I have my own permission to scream a string of nastiness at the other person. I'm the only one who hears it, and I feel better at the end. The idea of counting to 10 just sort of encourages bottling up feelings.

    If the slight is momentary, then I would consider just writing/typing that nasty email and then posting it to a blog somewhere. It will help you get the frustration out.

    Another great option is to do the exact opposite, i.e. kill them with kindness. Whenever I get frustrated in a professional setting, I typically find myself becoming increasingly polite and formal. By doing this, especially when you are in a fight with someone, you will just aggravate them more. I've sent more people into tailspins that way.

    One final idea is to remove yourself from situations that stress you out and make you angry. For example, if you hate what you are doing (an activity, job, etc.) you might find a way to stop doing it. Removing the stress this way might make you less angry.

    Its just what I do; and grats on the goal. Its a tough one but it will really make a difference all around.

  • To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.   17 years 24 weeks ago

    Paul, that sounds delectable. Anything involving Skittles or Nerds is good with me.

    Oddly enough, when I Googled "infused vodka" yesterday, I didn't get very many returns that seemd worthwhile, in terms of mining for recipes. Today, I got TONS. So the Google dolphins are working extra hard to make this dream a reality.

    [does a backflip and takes a well-earned mackerel from her trainer]

  • When Good Food Goes Bad, Part II: Tortillas and Tortilla Chips   17 years 24 weeks ago

    Stale - your dog looks at you like you are nuts when you try to feed a chip to him. Rotten - the chip looks at you like you are nuts when you try to feed it to the dog.

  • When Good Food Goes Bad, Part II: Tortillas and Tortilla Chips   17 years 24 weeks ago

    Wait until a LONG day of work has come to a close, and then go read our reader's Skittle-infused vodka recipe. No, wait. Take a high school econ test, fail, then wait for a long day of work to come to a close. THEN read Skittle-infused vodka recipe. THEN realize that you actually have several more hours of work before you go home to pack for Vegas.

  • When Good Food Goes Bad, Part II: Tortillas and Tortilla Chips   17 years 24 weeks ago

    where is the line between stale and rotten chips? i'm looking at my bag o' unopened chips w/an expiration date of june 2006....

  • When Good Food Goes Bad, Part II: Tortillas and Tortilla Chips   17 years 24 weeks ago

    Andrea, I am so hungry right now. Your post is so unfair.

  • To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.   17 years 24 weeks ago

    The Google dolphins love you best.

  • To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.   17 years 24 weeks ago

    Transliterations can be weird. I Googled a number of times before deciding on this spelling.

  • To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.   17 years 24 weeks ago

    When I searchf for "kayim" this article is the 5th in the results. Is anyone else getting that???

  • To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.   17 years 24 weeks ago

    Hi, Just read this article, I made a couple of vodka drinks (not quite infused maybe, but great all the same)

    1 bottle of plain vodka....1 packet of skittles (uk) take out the green ones...add to bottle, refridgerate for one day. Skittles disolve, lovely pink colour and can be drank neat or with soda/white lemonade....very summery...also very sweet though.


    1 bottle of vodka + 1 packet of fishermans friends troat losenges.

    grind up the losenges, pour into bottle, refridgerate...longer the better (smoother taste) and you get the most incredible shot drink....menthol and vodka....really it's quite nice. (fisherman friends also come in cherry flavor which are nice too.)

  • To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.   17 years 25 weeks ago

    I wonder if there's enough time to make a bottle for New Year's eve. It would be cool getting smashed on eau de feet vodka shots.

  • Charitable giving - get a receipt   17 years 25 weeks ago

    But the more I go through life, the more I realize that I have to take what I can get. I went through a point a few years ago, when I was only taking home about $1200 a month (most of which, of course, went to rent), but I was giving something like $250 a month in charity. And I NEVER claimed it on my taxes. I felt like it was selfless, but honestly, it was selfish, because I loved the holier-than-thou-I'm-such-a-martyr feeling I could get when I barely had enough money to scrape by.

    Nowadays, I realize that if I claim it, and get to keep more of my own money as a result, then I have more to give.

  • Charitable giving - get a receipt   17 years 25 weeks ago

    Mark Twain said the only true charity is anonymous charity. Guess any of that needs to stop.

  • Honesty: Truly, the Best Policy   17 years 25 weeks ago

    If I could add one tip it would be to practice patience. If I want something I give myself a "cooling off" period of three days. Many times, I change my mind. As far as tech stuff goes, if you wait a few months, you usually can get them at a fraction.

  • Honesty: Truly, the Best Policy   17 years 25 weeks ago

    This is a great tip. It really helps to have other people hold you accountable. It also prepare your friends for other things, such as getting less expensive presents from you, or going to elss expensive restaurants with you when you go out.

  • Charitable giving - get a receipt   17 years 25 weeks ago

    "A bank record includes canceled checks, bank or credit union statements and credit card statements."

    Does that not include PayPal then?

  • To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.   17 years 25 weeks ago

    At least, from the clean-up point of view. Might be tricky with mangoes. Oh, you know what would be good? Musk melons. Then it WOULD smell like feet, but hopefully taste wonderful.

  • To life, to life, la kayim! The joy of home-enhanced booze.   17 years 25 weeks ago

    But is the process going to look like this?



  • Additional smart, frugal people   17 years 25 weeks ago

    Yes, I think I will require all bloggers to address me as Mr. Chen.

    To misquote Homer, no one ever calls me "Mister" without adding, "you're making a scene!"

    I love those choices! In fact, just this morning I dropped a comment on Stop Buying Crap. I visit a lot of these blogs and the last one is just too cute for wards. =)

  • When Good Food Goes Bad   17 years 25 weeks ago

    The garlic seasoning really makes it a fantastic dish. I highly recommend it.

  • Quick Notes: A Bonus Holiday Bonus?   17 years 25 weeks ago

    ...yes *sheepish grin* But I didn't really realize it until yesterday.

  • Can I Conquer My Vanity for the Sake of My Sanity?   17 years 25 weeks ago

    One of the best things I did while living paycheck to paycheck was to automatically send $50 from my checking to my savings account. I set it up using BofA's online banking, and forgot about it. The transfer was set to happen every two weeks, on payday. After a few months, I had a little nest egg saved up for emergencies, and the best part was that it didn't hurt at all. And I didn't give myself a chance to flake on the savings because it happened automatically.

    Thanks for sharing Andrea! Great food for thought.

  • When Good Food Goes Bad   17 years 25 weeks ago

    I love the article, but the title just keeps reminding me of that "Far Side" comic where a carton of milk is sticking up a sausage. "That’s what you think, whitey" Yup, that's pretty much what we're thinking half the time. Time to change the code methinks.

  • When Good Food Goes Bad   17 years 25 weeks ago

    Brilliant Andrea! Sad lettuce and leftover pizza. I love it.

  • Can I Conquer My Vanity for the Sake of My Sanity?   17 years 25 weeks ago

    I think that you've expressed how we have felt about our finances when we first got our jobs, and probably even well before that. It sucks when you realize that you can't be who you want everyone to think you are. When we're posting again, I'll link to this post, along with some of our history.