Cow Appreciation Day!


Are you just itching to pull out that cow costume? Or have you ever wanted to dress like a cow and get rewarded for it? Then, Friday, July 13th might just be your day!

Chick-Fil-A’s second annual Cow Appreciation Day will take place next month. This could mean a free meal for you!

From Chick-Fil-A’s website:

Q: What is Cow Appreciation Day?
A: For one day only, black and white spots, cow bells and furry ears will be appropriate attire in the nation’s second largest chicken chain. In celebration of July 13, Cow Appreciation Day, an unofficial – yet nationally recognized holiday, Chick-fil- A will award a free combo meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) to any customer who comes to one of the chain’s 1,200-plus restaurants fully dressed as a cow.

Q: What does “fully dressed as a cow” really mean?
A: “Fully dressed like a cow” means effort to be dressed like a cow from head to toe. “Partial cow attire” means just a cow accessory, such as a cow-printed hat, vest or purse.

Mark your calendars! On Friday, July 13th, Chick-Fil-A is the place to be!


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Guest's picture

How weird to see another "cow" topic in my reader. I'll be having a "cow patty bingo" contest where folks can win $50 over at Bloggrrl in a few days. I'm still looking for someone to be the cow, though, so if anyone wants to be a virtual cow and get some link love, hit me up!

I'll not be going to Chick-Fil-A. They use peanut oil and I'm allergic. :-(

Guest's picture

Actually Chick-fil-A uses a highly refined peanut oil that most people (even some with severe peanut alergies) can consume. You may want to check out their website: ( and talk to your doctor to make an opinion if you have not already. Just thought you might want to know. Wouldn't want you to miss their awesome food if you didn't have to.

Guest's picture

July 11th is cow appreciation day. Go to Chick Filet on that day dressed as a cow and you get free food!!

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