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7 Bad Decisions You Could Make in Your 30s and 40s to Derail Your Retirement

Decisions you make today will have an outsized influence on your retirement down the road. 

This bookshop survived earthquakes and recessions. But not this

A local chamber of commerce is predicting 40 percent of Mexico City's small businesses will be forced to permanently shut down, forcing 1 million people out of work. CNN's Matt Rivers reports.

Coronavirus and poverty: Is there a link?

Why poorer people are more likely to catch - and die from - Covid-19.

9 Steps to Saving a $10,000 Emergency Fund

Don’t let a rainy day ruin your finances. Follow these steps to create your own $10,000 emergency savings account.

Jim Cramer on Chesapeake Energy filing for bankruptcy

Chesapeake Energy, a fracking pioneer that turned the U.S. from an oil importer to an exporter, is filing for bankruptcy. CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" crew discusses.

Black business owners struggle to stay afloat during coronavirus pandemic

As COVID-19 continues its assault on the health of the American public, it's impacting the country's finances, and in some instances, devastating the most financially vulnerable. Errol Barnett examines some of the most economically impacted Americans.

Why it's important to stop supporting adult children financially

As a parent, you want to ensure that your children become financially successful adults. This means teaching them to earn and save responsibly.

10 Immediate Steps to Start Planning for Retirement in Your 40s

It's not too late to start. Here's how you can make up for lost time.