Feelin’ Flakey: 7 Delicious Corn Flake Ideas


They say that everything comes back into fashion, and corn flakes are no exception. The Kellogg's iconic rooster-print box had a permanent spot in my childhood kitchen. Having recently re-discovered corn flake versatility, a box now sits on top of our refrigerator.

Of course, Kellogg's is not the only corn flake manufacturer — there are now several knock-off brands. When I went shopping a few weeks ago to buy corn flakes in preparation for writing this post, I had planned to buy an off-brand. However, Kellogg's corn flakes were on sale, making them the cheapest option. Whatever brand you choose, here are some great, unexpected ways to use corn flakes. (See also: 17 Uses for Stale Bread)

1. Corn Flake Cookies

As I sit here writing, corn flake cookie crumbs are falling on my keyboard. Although that’s probably not very good for my laptop, I cannot stop eating them. I had been looking for a good corn flake cookie recipe for a while, and the one I found is great. A couple of notes, though — add the shortening in with the sugar, and parchment paper makes clean up easier. I also threw in a half cup of chocolate chips, because everything is better with chocolate. If you like chewy, yet crispy cookies, we’re talking perfection.

2. Yogurt Mix-In

Occasionally I give myself a lecture about eating healthier breakfasts. I do enjoy yogurt, especially my own yogurt. However, plain yogurt does need some accessorizing. Try this out: corn flakes, dried cherries, shredded coconut, a drizzle of honey, and toasted pecans.

3. Casserole Crunch

Here is a retro idea — my mother used to combine a quarter-cup of melted butter with a cup of corn flakes and toss the mixture over a casserole. Back in the oven it went for five minutes, and magic happened. There is something about the hot creaminess of a casserole combined with a buttery, crunchy topping — it’s great comfort food. I will even eat a tuna casserole if it has this topping on it.

4. Meat Stretcher

On a website with a frugality focus, you naturally want to know how corn flakes can save you money. Does anyone remember the phrase “meatloaf stretcher”? The idea is to “stretch” the meat to feed more people. (If you don’t believe me, ask your grandmother.) Don’t knock this, — it’s delicious, and meatloaf makes great sandwiches the next day. My husband does insist that the sandwiches need a dill pickle and mustard, and I agree.

5. Chicken Coating

As you would expect, the Kellogg's folks have several ideas about how to use their corn flakes. The best one, in my humble opinion, is the classic double-coated chicken. Whose mother didn’t make that? Go all the way, and serve it with mashed potatoes, gravy, and succotash. Your spouse will want to marry you all over again. I promise.

6. Corn Flake Candy

In the second grade, I thought Ned was the cutest boy, and his mom was the best room mother ever because of her corn flake candy. Ned's probably not that cute anymore, but her candy recipe stood the test of time:

  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1-1/2 cups of corn flakes

Cook sugar and syrup together for three minutes. Add the peanut butter and corn flakes and stir. Drop tablespoons onto wax paper and chill.

7. Edible Decorations

Corn flakes as décor? Not in my house, because I’m not that fond of ants. But I am a fan of good projects to do with kids, like these edible corn flake wreaths.

Oh, and I almost forgot — corn flakes are really good in a bowl, with milk.

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Meg Favreau's picture

You can also do a version of Brown Betty where you replace the breadcrumbs with corn flakes!

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