You've got 20 minutes to change your life in 100 ways. Go.
This is the premise of an exercise I tried once, when I was feeling stuck in life. I wasn't sure what was amiss, but the routine I had fallen into was not satisfying the inner voice in me that insisted there was something else out there for me. (See also: Change Your Life With Storytelling)
After trying (forcefully) to understand what was going on, reading self-help books, filling out aptitude tests, and working with business and life coaches, I was given a suggestion that became a catalyst for some pretty big personal changes.
Here is how you can change your life in 20 minutes, step by step:
Something happens after about 10 or 15 minutes if you employ the exercise to its full potential. You stop caring about what specifically the ideas are, and you start to release an inner creativity that may have been locked away for a while. In an effort to get through 100 things in 20 minutes, you start to write outlandish things down that you aren't even really sure you want, but that are ideas that came to you nonetheless.
Ding! The timer goes off. No matter where you are in the process, or how many items you have written down, stop. (OK, if you are really on a roll and have a few more to write down because the juices are flowing, keep going. I won't tell.)
Leave the list alone for a day. Try not to look at it, and certainly don't revise it in any way. The following day, sit down and look at your list. How many of the items on it are feasible? Can you see your way to accomplishing any of it? Did anything come out of the list that you hadn't actually really thought of until you wrote it down in a hurried attempt to get to 100 items in the time limit? Any surprises in there?
The point of this exercise is not to create a giant and outlandish "to-do" list that never gets ticked off. Instead, it is simply to open up your mind to the idea that anything is possible, and to give you ideas that will help you to become unstuck in life.
Personally, after feeling stuck and making out my list, I identified a few ways to make positive changes in my life at the time; I joined Toastmasters because an item I wrote down was to become a public speaker. I also eventually started a blog to satisfy an inner wordsmith in me that has blossomed into a career. And ultimately, the list helped lead me to the decision to sell off everything I owned to live out my dreams of travel and adventure now.
And it all started with 20 minutes and 100 ways to change my life.
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Hi, like your idea very much. will do it asap
i think that a great idea to do
I have tried a similar method, which I learnt through a book called 'the Artists' Way', it suggested writing morning pages every morning, i.e. fill in 3 sheets of paper with whatever pops in your head or whatever you feel like writing, and just fill 3 pages of paper. There was no time limit, as long as you do it everyday.
3 pages seems way to much to write every morning. I dont have that much time.
Use small papers...
use post-it note
I like some of these ideas. I'll try them out and see how it goes.
This sounds like a great idea! Thank you for sharing it.
This is lovely.
Thanks for that, I think that is a great idea.
oh I like this idea... I think this could also work really well for when I am stuck in a creative slump... could really help me let loose and get going again. I am going to share this with some others I know would find it useful!
Hi Nora,
Thanks for the idea. It is deceptively simple but has had a huge value for me - my list did not include becoming rich or famous which is rather freeing! I think the technique could also work for narrower themes (e.g. 100 ways I can help people around me).
thx for sharing it, will try it right now !
thx for sharing it, will try it right now !
I think I will give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
I like your idea, it seem's as though it would be a great way to escape from reality.
That is so cool. I think that will help so much. I want to be a hobo and write, im scared though because i don;t quite know where to start and am terrified! Maybe this could help me. I hope...
That looks like a nice exercise. Everyone should do an exercise like that at least once in there life. I have a vison board, which is really cool.
I put on the board pictures of everything I want to accomplish no matter how big, and I look at it everyday. It helps me figure out were I'm are going. Which is the first step to getting there.
Really Nice Idea i like it n really help to people
I am thankful to have come across your article. I have been feeling so guilty for 'retiring early' last year from a job I absolutely hated. I have felt so ungrateful for having done that. As a result, my marriage is breaking apart. Even though my husband agreed to it at the time, he has since become honest about his feelings & he just can't stand it that I don't work. So, I went to work for a temp agency, but has left anyway. Thank you. I don't feel guilty anymore about spending time w/my 87 yr old mother, my neighbors, my kids, grandkids & little puppy & cat. I love to write too & love being at home. I love going to church & singing in the choir. Peace of mind IS more important than money or what money can buy. Thank you.
I came across your replay to this blog today and wanted to reply because it relates to stuff my partner and I are going through now...then I saw how long ago you submitted the reply. Anyway, you may still be reading this!
I did not like my work at all but kept going as I could not think of anything better, and I was scared of starting something new rather late in life ( I am 58). I had a career but I disliked it. On the surface my partned supported me in leaving the work when it became a crisis. But in fact she hated that I was not working, and thinks now that I was depressed and having a breakdone. She was right.....but isn'that the experience of change?
It really stresssed our relationship, and we have been close to finishing it, buty we are now going to an organisation that specialises in helping couples to talk ("Relate" in the UK), and it has helped very much.
Both of us were unable to say the really difficult, "Unsayable" things that we felt. Things are improving a lot.
Hope that is useful.....still!!
Nobody ever knows how many days here on earth we will be blessed with so if you had a chance to retire early and enjoy the people and animals in your life, I think you did what was best for you. Money will never buy happiness. When it is our last day here on earth, I don't think our last thought will be, "Why didn't I work longer!" It will be why didn't I have more time with the ones I love! I see people working all the time to keep "stuff" like campers, boats, motorcycles, etc. but they work so much, they never get to enjoy them, or they work so hard to keep the payments up, when they could be working less and enjoying the simple things more. We have to make choices in life all the time and maybe your husband should have seen that you were happy in your choice.......
Thats fantastic that you took the time to find yourself and the things that you love. I love to hear when people are enjoying their life and the time that they have. Despite what people around may think always cherish your time.
I so agree wth your statement of "peace of mind is more important than moey or what money can buy"
I too had to retire early because of health reasons and am finally (after 7 years) coming to grips about staying home and getting paid to do so. Life is good!
I love reading about people who aren't just complaining about the lives they've chosen but are also doing something about it to change it. I love your enthusiasm! I will try anything once especially if it has a chance of getting me out of my lil' rut! Much luck to you on your new found endeavors!
This didn`t work for me :(
Great idea with great potential, thanks!
I tired this but couldn't get past step 1. How can I read the rest of this list with my computer off?
Have you ever heard of a printer??!!
maybe you could try reading through all the steps first, and then go back and follow the steps, beginning with turning off your computer
*roll* she said turn off the computer tv ect.and write on a pice of PAPER! Not the word document on the your computer. I mean really?! Are you that blonde?
ALAURA, That was really rude.
ALAURA that's exactly what I was thinking.
Haha great joke. I hope a joke regardless makes me laugh. You're a funny person
They might have been joking. :P
Thanks for the idea, it worked for me. I felt rejuvenated after writing down the items. It gave me some things to shoot for and honestly, there were things I always thought of but felt afraid to admit to myself. I felt either shallow, superficial or boring in my ideas but you know what? If that is what I want to do, who cares! I think the goal is find what you love THEN try to make a living out of it. So unless you're honest with yourself, you'll never feel satisfied.
I like the idea of writing the list, then stepping back and letting it all settle for a bit and then coming back to it.
When you're ready to make changes, at first you're pumped up with all this energy from your enthusiasm, and this can cause you to go overboard, and write a few things that really aren't that feasible.
Best to come back to it with a calmer, clearer head! ;)
This is a great post on how to find your goals for life. Without knowing these goals life remains without purpose and it is hard to motivate yourself for something.
I have a blog on time management and wrote more 200 posts with practical time saving ideas on how to gain an extra hour every day. One of the most popular posts is how to set your goals for life.
If you don't know what you want to achieve in life - what is the benefit of time management?
I have a list mut it seems so long and over whelming. most things simploy aren't pratical or reallyu make any sence. I'm lost here it seams my short tearm goals only make me that are reachable are only good for a day and my long term goals are just a work of fiction
I'll do this right away. Dream big, I love that especially considering that most people never dream big enough.
AJ Kumar
you know... life is so short.. we should not waste our time being so pathetic and wasted with thing that weren't meant for us...
you know i was so thankfull that i got your page...
coz at this point of time, im totally wasted and i have no whereto run.... im trying to change mylife in a more positive way but dnt know how to start with it...
you gave me such grate idea....
Life can be difficult at times, sometimes so painful it feels unbearable. But also in life there are amazing moments that are like heaven on earth, treasure those times. Perhaps, if you were never to feel pain and misery, you would not truly be able to appreciate those amazing moments that life will spontaneously throw at you. Life is beautiful in so many different ways. After a long trip down a painful period in my life, I try to find beauty in everything I see and every person I meet. Think positive, whenever you feel a negative thought in your head, push it out and replace it with a positive one. YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON and have a life worth living! :)
Life can be difficult at times, sometimes so painful it feels unbearable. But also in life there are amazing moments that are like heaven on earth, treasure those times. Perhaps, if you were never to feel pain and misery, you would not truly be able to appreciate those amazing moments that life will spontaneously throw at you. Life is beautiful in so many different ways. After a long trip down a painful period in my life, I try to find beauty in everything I see and every person I meet. Think positive, whenever you feel a negative thought in your head, push it out and replace it with a positive one. YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON and have a life worth living! :)
Great Article.. very informative and insightful tips.
Thanks for sharing
Shabbar Suterwala
Corporate Soft Skills Trainer
Writing down goals and motivation on pen and paper works. I mean, it gives you a more visual approach at things rather than plainly thinking and then procrastinating. Makes perfect sense to me! :)
I want to tray it.
Change is the way to get your dream.
Sorry if its outdated, i tried this, its 1am and cant sleep, i wrote 125 things to do, and got time left.. is over thinking things a mental illness?, i cant sleep, can a person think too much?
I really though this could help me, but i over did it
@Tachis - More than 100 items on your list simply means you have lots of options! Take a look at what you have and see what you can do first. Cheers!
Never really thought it could be that fun!! It is such an amazing exercise!
I really like this exercise! What a great way to open up!
Glad that you shared with us. I am really stuck in my life, actually I am addictid to the game called Trackmania.
I've been stuck since I got laid off. Ended up watching a shop for a friend that had nearly no customers most of the day (It closed, surprise!). I should have been searching for my next move, but instead I played probably over 2000 games of freecell. I tried to go one day without playing it. Gave myself a list of goals and other more productive things to do with the internet. Nope, 3 games that day. I guess it was just easier. I feel you. I haven't tried this exercise yet. But I will. Hopefully.
I Will try It ASAP Thank You
This is awesome man I have to try it. Thanks for sharing it now I have confidence.
When i read this I thought wow!! when I put the kid to bed I'm trying this and let me tell you all though I'm still trying to see through the tears it was great. I know that I am hurting for a multitude of reasons right now but as I wrote I allowed myself to feel. I can say this round really seem to be more of what I want to change but I defanitly got a few things i'd like to accomplish in there; but i have to decide where to do it I'm afraid to leave the tri state area and it's hard to make it in this town for a single mom.
@Guest (Above) - Thank you for sharing! I know sometimes it is tricky to see exactly how you can make the changes you want to make, so don't be too hard on yourself. Although I am a big believer in creating your fortune (or mis-fortune, as it may be), I also believe that you will get some help along the way when you are on the right path. It's amazing what can come into your life (and how) if you are following your bliss, in whatever way you can.
you are cute !!!
I think this idea sucks and is a waste of time........ Then again... I am terribly negative in the worst way.... I have a problem.
Life can be difficult at times, sometimes so painful it feels unbearable. But also in life there are amazing moments that are like heaven on earth, treasure those times. Perhaps, if you were never to feel pain and misery, you would not truly be able to appreciate those amazing moments that life will spontaneously throw at you. Life is beautiful in so many different ways. After a long trip down a painful period in my life, I try to find beauty in everything I see and every person I meet. Think positive, whenever you feel a negative thought in your head, push it out and replace it with a positive one. YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON and have a life worth living! :)
Negative maybe... Funny for sure. Laughed a bit at this comment.
well, i just lovedd this really just kept on going and going even after te time limit and i think it really helped me figure out a little about myself and thanks i aswell lvove the comment how something similiar shuold be done everyday i am definantly going to start doing that
That is an excellent idea! ^_^
Rather than just jotting a dreaded "list", which is intrinsically disposable and ignorable, I opened a free account with and if I have an idea I add it as a To-Do, with appropriate reminder, in I don't frame it as a nebulous "wish" but rather I decide the steps involved and record them. So I get an email with the steps to take. This has turned more of my ideas into actual accomplishments.
Goals have steps and dates. Without those, you are just running water under a bridge.
Not "" but rather "" - sorry.
This thread is old but are any of you still active? Got so much to ask. Will definitly do this 20 minute thing. For all of you get hold of book called "what should i do with my life" by po bronson. That will help too. Wish you all super luck!
Hi Nora. I was wondering how long you have been a "professional hobo" for and how it is working out for you.
It sounds like a really fun lifetstyle, although difficult, and I'd like to hear your wisdom on the topic.
What is it like to just travel around and have adventures? Is it worth it?
It reminds me of the movie "Into the Wild" which was awesome!
Thanks for the great exercise! It is a great way to get the juices flowing and I plan to use it in the future if I'm feeling stuck :-)
@Guest (#45): Thank you for the book recommendation. Will check it out.
@Just Finished 1st Year: Thanks for your interest! Check out my website at for more info about what I do and how I travel, and if you have specific questions for me, feel free to use the Contact me tab at the top.
@Shannon - Good luck! I tend to do this exercise is interesting to see how things change, and how many things you can tick off the list!
Really works....worked for me,really really nice
thank you. i was about to sit down and veg out in front of the tv, but something drew me to the computer. I typed in "how to change your life", as i have been stuck for the last 10 yrs and i cant take it anymore. thank you for being out there. i have tried everything... but i like the fact of turning everything off and not holding back. cant wait to try it. thank you. all the best to all you guys who are in the same boat as me.
Hi, my name is Yasmine. I am egyptian. I read your comment that you have been stuck in life for more than 10 yrs and i just felt that this is very similar to what i am feeling. I really thought that I was the only one who can stay for years stuck and bored. I gave up everything in my life for the sake of raising my children the best way i can, but after six years now I have really discovered that my life is sooooooooooo boring ( although i enjoy seeing my kids grow ) and that i am living it just for other people. This made me lose so many nice things in life which i am trying to get at least one of them back.
I am sending to you this because i wanted to ask you is it possible that we can be friends. Maybe having the same circumstances, which are being stuck in life and being mothers can let us find common grounds to a healthy and good friendship.
Thank you for your time.
Don't you love the ability to connect with other people in other places in the world by virtue of the internet? @Yasmine - I hope that even if you don't end up connecting with @danager, that you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in life. In times when I have felt isolated geographically, I have always found friends in similar positions online. Cheers!
how do u know when your not alone?..How can you be sure there are others out there that are going through the same problems. How does that help you any to know that?? I don't understand
I did this while I was on the john!
This list should help me get some clear direction and clarity career wise. Thanks
I think that often times people want to be someone they are not and then when they get to the top they crack and can't handle the pressure.Success is in your mind and with that in mind the sky is the limit for everyday life.You may be doing what you really love right now and might find out after 50 years later.Granite I am 25 YEARS OLD I understand alot and stay up on the news and in theses times you should be happy to have a place called home.
This list really helped me figure out who I want to be rather than what other people want me to be. I will do all of the achievable things on my list and live my 1 life to the fullest.
Why are so many replies along the lines of "This is awesome man I have to try it."
Do it. Then comment.
Or just do it and shut up.
Great Tip. It can be challenging to stop all the chaos in your head even for a few minutes sometimes, but if you do it and just let everything go for a few minutes, empty your mind of Everything, get away from the tv,computer,etc go sit on the couch or the floor and just start thinking of all the things you want or would like to do, accomplish, be, have (Forget about not having the money or time or whatever to have it) just think about the things you would like to have or be or do and write em. Get the creative juices flowing and you'll start to recognize some dreams you may have long forgotten and ones that have come up frequently. If you don't have any dreams what do have to strive for? to motive-ate you? You've got to have specific reasons to change your life, once you have the reasons/dreams then you've got to sit and think about how you can get them. You've got to formulate a detailed plan starting at your vision/dream/goal and backtracking to right this minute! If you take a long road trip in a foreign land(and don't have gps) What do you need to get to your destination?... A road map! It's the same with your dreams and goals, if you don't have a detailed plan for getting to them it aint gonna happen. First you gotta have the dreams and goals. Start w/ dreamin, and dream big. Do this exercise and go from there. Good Luck!
Great tip. I've actually recommended it to a close friend and the creative possibilities that were opened for that person were a major surprise.
Try to include your To-Be's in that list, and not only To-Do's.
Subscribed, stumbled, and RT'd.
I find that the best way I can find room in my head to think is to go for a long walk without my cell and I find that by the time I get back home, I have a clearer idea of what I need to do and how.
Thanks for your opens the door of mind.what our subconscious mind has within represents creativity.actually, we don't know our goal.we are looking for that,but it is embedded in our mind.just we have to peep inside our mind.what we want to do? what is the purpose of our life? why were we born? this exercise answers all that questions. So,Look inside you and take your desire outside and think about to fulfill it?try to look for something new and adventurous which gives you joy and and never let you get stuck........................
once again
thank you
this is the technic they teach you when you enroll in any of the law of attraction they represent your parameters in life they give you a framework to work on and a clear list for the universe to deliver if YOU dont know what you want what will the universe deliver ? this was a great tool to put out there continue the good samaritain's work can i say you rock!
I thank you for helping out so many people including myself. This is how everyone should live their lives. Thank You So Much!
Life can be difficult at times, sometimes so painful it feels unbearable. But also in life there are amazing moments that are like heaven on earth, treasure those times. Perhaps, if you were never to feel pain and misery, you would not truly be able to appreciate those amazing moments that life will spontaneously throw at you. Life is beautiful in so many different ways. After a long trip down a painful period in my life, I try to find beauty in everything I see and every person I meet. Think positive, whenever you feel a negative thought in your head, push it out and replace it with a positive one. YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON and have a life worth living! :)
i am going to try this. what could it hurt? and im over the boring life i live now.
I was just sitting here thinking I am stuck. So I decided to search for solutions and came across this blog. Yes, it's late, but I found it and that's all that matters. Thanks
all i have to say is thank you.
read this blog and just wanna say thank you very much about this great idea! keep writing
Sorry, i feel it wont work with me.
i feel so desperate and crashed
i can give alot and im so sure about that
all i need is BRILIANT CHANCE
i beleive on
@Roy - Keep believing....your brilliant chance is waiting...
Thanks so much for the article. I have felt stuck for sometime and now I have a possible solution togetting unstuck. I have worked most of my life and now would like to travel, write and become self-employed; however, my employment will now become working whereever I choose and not inside of an office or cubicle. I would also like to continue my education (online) of course and this appears to provide the best of both worlds. Additionally, I am debt-free so perhaps now is the time.
I have recently subscribed to The Caretaker Gazette and look forward to the research.
Thanks again
@Sasha - Congratulations! You'll love the opportunities you find on The Caretaker Gazette for inspiration and imagination.
You are correct....there are some wonderful places to visit around the world. Not sure how this all works so please assist if you can. Steps I would take...simply contact the locations of my choice, visit at my expense and then the waiting period begins. If not, please let me know the appropriate steps. Am I responsible for all the fees, travel (air or car)? Or shall I ask what fees am I responsible for?
My husband is not as excited as I am about embarking on such lifestyle. He's 15 years older, retired and pretty settled. This is something that I have always wanted to do. I have actually collected maps of the world for years and have planned on this. Additionally, I have followed Suzi Siegle while she traveled the world too. She was a successful single female from NY and had graduated from Harvard. Her reason for traveling for a year was that she "felt stuck and needed to get unstuck." She posted a journal for the entire year and I tracked her and downloaded the journal. Should I let me husband deny me of such a dream? I have only been married for 1 year. The way I feel is that we have less time ahead of us then we have behind us. What's your thoughts?
Also, I contacted the organic market site you have listed as well. I paid the small fee for the year and have not been able to access the site contents. I submitted an e-mail to them and have not received a reply as of yet. Any suggestions?
@Sasha - Check out the resources over at Caretaker Gazette and most of your questions should be answered. Usually you establish contact and do interviews prior to arriving, so that when you arrive you already have the job. But yes - you usually travel at your own expense.
There may well be opportunities that your husband will enjoy too; many of them call for retired or semi-retired couples to do light chores and keep an eye on things.
Can't help you on the organic market site (do you mean Best I can say is to send an email to their administrator.
I will check out the resource section.
Thanks for all your help.
Thank you! This brought me to tears for some reason. I think because it will give me more reasons to keep on and not lay down and die. Thank you...thank you...thank you!
Thanks, Sasha & Guest for your comments. I'm considering doing this exercise annually, and possibly even comparing my results to see how my perspective (or tick list) has changed over time. Hmm....
Thank you.